Chapter 57: The Vigilante

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Author note: Warning Mini Panic attack by Y/N in this chapter. Stop just before the fight if you are sensitive to this.

***Ajax's POV***

After the meeting, I returned to Lique to gather my things, finishing any business operation that required my input as I was going away for a bit. The Regulator was bringing in quite a bit of mora to the fatui at the moment, so it didn't matter if we gave some extensions to our clients.

I kept thinking back about how Y/N and Scaramouche talked a lot at the recent meeting, with Scaramouche always agreeing with her. It pissed me off; he never agreed with anything I ever said, that short stack. It reminded me of when he walked out of her room one night. He's bad news if ever I have heard any. I don't trust the guy, not as far as I can throw him in my current form. Actually, scrap that. He's tiny. I could probably throw him a fair bit... But no point dwelling on that thought. He will never be as tall as me, so bleh. He doesn't matter, stupid-mouche.

I agreed to rendezvous with Y/N at Wangshu Inn before continuing to Mondstadt. So I set off on foot to get there in plenty of time. I had planned for Jack, Azure, Pickle and Joe to bring all my belongings in a few days. We didn't want to waltz into Mondstadt in a fatui carriage with lots of luggage and draw attention to ourselves. Well, that's what Y/N said was best. Part of the operation would be to blend in and gather information about the Anemo Archon before taking the Gnosis. I believe Pix was doing the same for Y/N.

It was a while from Lique but not too far, only a few hours' worth of walking.

I follow the path that leads me closer, killing any monsters I encounter and testing my battle skills whenever possible

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I follow the path that leads me closer, killing any monsters I encounter and testing my battle skills whenever possible. Finally, I got to Wangshu Inn, and I saw her standing there alone as agreed.

She looked so peaceful and calm, her hair swaying in the wind which blew from Mondstadt. I wonder what her life would have been like if she had never gone to the abyss that day or met me. Would she still be the same person? Have I been able to show her a better world or worse? But no matter how tranquil she tried to appear, I could tell something was up. No doubt she was anxious about going back to Mondstadt; who could blame her. Although she was clearly trying not to show it, I want to respect that. But I needed to keep an eye on her regardless. I stood there for a moment admiring her beauty.

She turned around, noticing me staring at her.

She turned around, noticing me staring at her

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now