Chapter 52: My Strategy Moving Forward

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***Author note***

I had to make some assumptions here about different nations and what activities go on within them. They are my guesses - Not going to wait 4 years for all information to be released to continue my story. Written on the 7th of June 2022.

***Y/N POV***

I was left on my own after Ajax left. Although my body felt exhausted, I was mentally wide awake. I kept thinking about the battle, wondering what I could have done to win or where I went wrong. But that train of thought was getting me nowhere.

So I went and picked up some files explaining a bit more about what I needed to do. My task was to infiltrate multiple institutions, gather information and improve our influence in various areas. Whilst being an active member, I needed to set up a base of operations abroad.

An area which seemed to have some unknown activity to the fatui is Inazuma. It seems Inazuma has some internal war, or at least conflict is starting to break out. The Archon is getting increasingly strict as time goes on, so best get in whilst we still can as who knows what will happen. Scaramouche seemed to have connections, but not much information is known, and the Fatui influence is not that strong there. So it would be a good place to start.

Apparently, Dottore had made a good influence in Mondstadt a while ago after defeating a big beast, so we had some strong connection and the favour of the Knights of Favonius. So I could avoid that area for a while longer, part of me wanted to go back whilst the other part was scared to face my past. Everything Cara said about me at the end, did everyone feel the same way? Was I an outcast, and is my family mad that I left them and chose not to return? I didn't want to think about it.

I thought about all the nations in Teyvet:







And, of course: Snezhnaya, which didn't need to be investigated.

There were also other areas, including a mysterious land in Inazuma that was said to change day and night, Khaenri'ah, where ever the fallen nation maybe, Celestia, which resides high above, the Abyss and then the dark sea.

More and more people came to our team during the day whilst we were fighting; I would estimate that we had around 30 people under each of us at this moment. Hopefully, more people would join after word got out that we invited our fellow recruits to fight us. For this sake, we had to ensure we treated our subordinates well. But with the current numbers and tasks I had, I would need to carefully split my team out between each nation. Luckily, Scaramouche seemed heavily involved with Inazuma whilst the Harbinger Pantalone had set up base in Mondstadt at the Goth hotel. So I could cross those two off. It also seemed like Dottore had connections within Sumeru; both he and La Signora once went to the academy. The Rooster also seemed to be trying to conduct some sort of research/operation within the Chasm, so my assistance wasn't required there.

Regardless, It would be worth sending one member to infiltrate their governing bodies, allowing them to gather any useful information and report back to me.

I got a piece of paper out and started to write my ideas down:

Mondstadt - One member joins the Knights of Favonius

Liyue - Have two-three members join the Qixing. With one roaming the streets trying to understand more information.

Inazuma - Try to get three members to join the Tenryou Commission, Kanjou Commission, Yashiro Commission.

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