Chapter 46: A Harbingers Uniform

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***Y/N POV***

I woke up to see Ajax sleeping yesterday. He looked pretty tired, like he had a bad dream. Poor Ajax, I should probably let him sleep and not try to wake him up. I looked over at the clock: 9.45am.

Wow, we really had slept in. I gently try and pull my body away from his warm embrace, which he had me in.

"Urgh... no", He moaned as I tried to pull away, still holding onto my waist.

 no", He moaned as I tried to pull away, still holding onto my waist

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"I gotta get up, Ajax. As warm as you are, please let go" I gently say whilst stretching.

A sleepy moan came out of the red-headed boy until, eventually, his hands released me, and I managed to pry away.

Quickly I got changed in the bathroom and went downstairs. I'm not sure what time Ajax was planning for us to go back, but I wanted to make sure I packed most of my things so I was not caught off guard or late.

"Morning, Y/N..." Anthon yawns. He must have only recently got up to; we did have a late night last night.

"Where Ajax? He wasn't in his room. I went to give him a cuddle this morning " Teucer looked sad.

Anthon rolled his eyes as he replied to the question without giving me a chance. "He was busy hugging someone else Teucer," He said, glancing at me.

"Do you have to leave today?" Tonia comes up to me, looking all sad.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, we have a rather important meeting tonight regarding our jobs", I explain.

"Ohh, is a new toy being released" Teucer bounces up and down excitedly.

"I suppose you could say that", I blatantly lie whilst I gathered some more of my things, putting them in a suitcase.

"When is Ajax going to be down? I want cake! Mum said we couldn't have it until he was up..." Teucer pouted.

"Well, he's in my room; you're welcome to go and wake him". I grinned to myself, forgetting he had a bad dream and was sleepy; that must have been why Teucer was looking for him earlier this morning. Teucer quickly ran up the stairs, and I heard him shout; "BROTHER!!! WAKE UP!" At the top of his voice. Haha, poor Ajax.

"Where's mum?" I looked around and asked the other two siblings.

"She's looking after dad; after the stress of last night, he's not feeling too good," Anthon explained calmly.

"Ohh, I see..." I muttered back and continued to pack my things in silence, unsure what to say in response.

After about 15 more minutes, I heard Ajax come down the stars being dragged by Teucer.

"Morning", I greeted him before wishing him happy birthday again.

He yawned back, trying to pronounce the words "Morning Y/N...".

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now