Chapter 9: Sleeping Beauty

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***Ajax POV***

After I collapsed, I don't remember much after that.
I had a long dream that night.

I remembered myself falling into the abyss, and all the different experiences and skills I had gained whilst here; like learning how to fight, meeting Y/N, meeting Skirk, defeating monsters, gaining a vision

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I remembered myself falling into the abyss, and all the different experiences and skills I had gained whilst here; like learning how to fight, meeting Y/N, meeting Skirk, defeating monsters, gaining a vision. As horrible as the abyss was it had provided us with a lot of opportunities, allowing us to grow in a short space of time.

Master had brought both of us inside the hut, I remember seeing a flickering light and feeling warm, but my memories were a bit hazy. I believed Skirk focused most of her attention on Y/N, I couldn't make out what she was doing or how much time had passed but I do remember at some point Skirk tried to feed me some meat. We were both weak and malnutrition, a diet of Hilichurl meat and puddle water wasn't enough.

Y/N occasionally screamed, but it wasn't as if she was conscious. Eventually one of her screams woke me up.

"I'm glad to see you are finally awake," the woman said sounding relieved as she smiled down at me.

"Seemed like you and Y/N had a little adventure on your own" she hummed "You were both beaten up pretty badly".

My eyes widened "Yes... Y/N, how is she! Is she okay?" I sat up suddenly trying to look for her, then groaned. The cuts all over my body stung like hell and I felt as if a meteor had landed on my head. My body throbbed with pain, the adrenaline which I clearly had before in the fight numbing my senses was no longer there.

"Woah, steady on their chap" Skirk reached out "You have some resting to do before you start galivanting all over the place". She signed before saying "Y/N will be fine, she clearly took some pressure to the head which restricted the oxygen flow, causing her to pass out, from the looks of things she will get better after a few more days of rest.".

I relaxed a bit knowing that she should be okay "You say a few more days of rest, how long have we been out?"

"About a day and a half," Skirk said as she prepared some more food. "You need to eat to keep up your strength up" she says as she passed me more food.

I nod and take a bite, trying my best to hold it down. I looked down at my body, it was covered in marks left by the bats. Over the 2 weeks, I had been here you could tell I was starting to lose my 'baby fat', and muscles were starting to form and take shape. The same went for Y/N too, although at this moment she looked very weak.

Over the next two days I rested, my muscles ached all over, they felt like they were screaming out. I helped Skirk make a nicer bed for Y/N, with lots of leaves for padding.

We struggled to give Y/N any food without her choking so we could only give her water.

To pass the time I went on a few runs around the area, it helped improve my stamina and speed. I wasn't in a good enough state to train again. On my runs, I noticed that some of the branches seemed to give off a blue glow the more south of the camp I got.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now