Chapter 33: Like a Star in the Night Sky

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I have guessed which symbol represents the Rooster. Sorry if we find out it is wrong).

Also, warning, this is a super long chapter as I really wanted to get to a certain point in this chapter, so grab a cup of tea or coffee before you start reading!

***You POV***

I heard a knock on the door. I went over to get it. "Hello?".

I opened it to find a senior looking officer, and I gulped. Were we in trouble?

"For you, Ma'am." He handed me a letter. I realised who it was from as soon as I saw the seal which held the envelope together.

 I realised who it was from as soon as I saw the seal which held the envelope together

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It was the seal of the 5th Harbinger - The Rooster.

"Dear honoured guests,

I look forward to your attendance at tonight's banquet. I have sent you some more appropriate clothes for the occasion, they should be arriving with you shortly, and a carriage will pick you up at 4.15 pm outside of the outpatient building.

Yours sincerely,

I looked up at the officer, who bowed and took his leave.

"What was that about?" Ajax asked as I turned around.

"Well, it seems like we already have a ride organised", I explain.

"Ohh, really was it that officer who invited us?" he asked.

"Err... No, it was someone else. He must have just been a messenger," I mumbled back. I hated lying to him. I wanted to wait until he had decided where he wanted to go before telling him at least. "Pick up time is at 4.15 pm; also, I think we might be getting some different clothes for the occasion."

"Ohh... Were our clothes not good enough? How fancy is this event?" Ajax signed disappointed. He must have really liked that look I have helped him with.

"Clearly not." I sighed."But don't worry, I'll make sure you look good".

"You saying I don't look good enough now? How rude!" Ajax laughed.

"You know what I mean!" I lightly prodded him, and we laughed.

I heard banging at the door again and quickly walked over and answered, "Your clothes" an officer handed me two heavy suit bags.

"Thanks..." I said, taking them off his hands, nearly collapsing to the ground under the weight of both of them. Ajax quickly came over to help. It was clear I hadn't regained all my strength.

"Thank you a lot for these" Ajax talked on my behalf to the officer whilst I struggled to carry both outfits to the bed.

The door closed, and we were left alone in the room again.

"Whatever this is, it feels good quality. They weigh a ton. We definitely wouldn't be cold wearing them," I say as I start to unzip the suit bags.

I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a white dress with blue lace and detail. Part of the skirt was flaring out of the bottom. There was a butterfly attached to the hip and neck, exactly like the accessory Ajax's mother had given me. It was, in a word; stunning. But the butterfly was there for a reason; it meant that Rooster must have been spying on us. He added the butterfly purposely and wanted me to know. This dress was designed and tailor-made for me, and it looked exactly my size. The bottom of the dress sparkled; upon closer inspection, there were tiny high-quality crystals, each hand-sewn on. No machine could be delicate enough for this level of detail. This dress was clearly a work of a professional.

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