Chapter 54: A Pleasant Surprise

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***Y/N POV***

We managed to make the journey in 20hrs instead of a whole day. Pix mastered driving a carriage after taking me to multiple places for missions. He really had become a jack of all trades, doing his best to support me in whatever matter was required. Whilst on the journey, I read some books. I researched multiple different concepts and theories, also having a little sleep to ensure I was wide awake and ready to help Jade. Still, poor old Pix had been awake for about 30 hours straight, making it 1pm when we finally arrived in Liyue.

Pix came to the carriage door: "I heard she's being kept up there" Pix pointed up to the second layer of shops at a specific building.

"Thanks, Pix!" I handed him a bag of Mora as I jumped out. "Book yourself into a hotel and get some rest. I will contact you if it is urgent".

I hear Pix chuckle in response, "That's usually my line Miss Astraea."

I started to run off, and as I moved; I heard my stomach grumble at me in response; I then realised Pix hadn't eaten anything either as we had been in such a rush, so I shouted back to him, "Also, don't forget to get something to eat, get whatever you want, my treat!".

I ran up some stairs before looping around and rushing up some more; the layout here is confusing and inefficient. Finally, I make my way to the building Pix had pointed at. Without bothering to take note of where I was, I rushed in shouting "Jade!".

The huge doors wing open, and it seemed quite quiet, so everyone turned to face me after my voice echoed throughout the building. I was expecting to see the Qixing but saw lots of Fatui members. I looked around, desperately searching. Was this a trap?

"I'm glad you could make it", I heard Jade. My head darted to where her voice was coming from, barely noting what she had actually said. She was standing there smiling, without a care in the world.

"Jade, are you okay? I heard there were complications?" I stepped towards her carefully, worried if it was a trap.

Jade blushed and looked down. "Well... about that. Pix might have told you a little fib..." she started to explain but was cut off by a voice upstairs.

"Y/N? Is that you?!" I heard Ajax shout, followed by fast footsteps coming from upstairs. I saw ginger hair peer out from the top of the stairs.

I looked up at him, then back at Jade, confused. If Tartaglia was here, this couldn't be a trap? It took me a little time to catch on. I suppose I was still tired from the journey at this point. Finally, I allowed my guard to drop. "Ajax!" I beamed, it was like like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

As quick as a flash, he ran down and virtually launched himself at me puppy from the 5th step, "Y/N!" He shouts again, like he is trying to confirm it is me in his head. I probably shouldn't have dropped my guard as I wasn't prepared for the sheer volume of his body hitting mine. I was launched back onto the floor several meters behind, with him on top, using me as a cushion.

"Urgh!" I grunted as all the air left my lungs before I laughed a bit. At that moment, a mini-explosion of colour went off around us, with red and grey banners dropped down around us.

"Happy 6-month Anniversary!" All the fatui members cheered as they blew party cannons off, and balloons and confetti fell from the sky.

Ajax looked as surprised as I did. Clearly, he wasn't expecting this or me to be here. How could they organise this right under his nose, although I wouldn't put it past him to miss treasure if it was right under his nose (Author: *Cough* Morax Gnosis XD).

I looked around at everyone; it seemed like Azure had brought out some food whilst Pickle was using his gun to blow up more balloons before getting ready to eat.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now