Chapter 8: A Gift from Celestia

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I go to move but my reaction times were too slow, I was exhausted from the last battle

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I go to move but my reaction times were too slow, I was exhausted from the last battle.

He grabbed onto my face, lifting me up by the head. I reached out for his wrist, trying to wriggle out of his grasp but no use, "Urgh..." I groan as his grip tightens.

"Y/N!" Ajax shouts. He is about to move when the Abyss heralds tuts "Uh uh uuh, don't move one step or Y/N here head will go pop, just like a grape would between my fingers".

Ajax snarls, he doesn't know what to do, does he risk moving or does he stay still and listen to what he has to say. He had never heard a monster talk before, or even attempted to fight something with reasonable intelligence. It was a big step up from what he was used to.

"Y/N, my sweet Y/N" the Abyss heralds toys with me "What shall we do... You wander into MY domain, you kill MY pets. You human nowadays really don't have any respect for other people's property. We don't have much, yet you are determined to take our lives, our resources, everything we own. That doesn't seem very nice now does it".

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say struggling, still trying to get away. His grip hurt my head more and more by the second, pressure building. I kick my legs frantically, trying to hurt him but it wasn't doing anything. I had no weapons, I had nothing.

"Let her go!" I hear Ajax shout and take a step forward.

The Abyss herald let out another chuckle, but with more annoyance now. "What did I tell you, boy! Don't come any closer!" He said and a split second after I felt the pressure increase in my head. It felt like I was about to explode, I let out a horrifying scream.

"No! Y/N!" Ajax said about to rush forward but stopped himself. He knew he wasn't quick enough to hurt let alone kill this beast before it could crush my head.

"Wise, choice boy," he said loosening the grip very slightly on me. It felt as if I had lost all energy, my body go limp, I couldn't fight this guy I just didn't have the energy. Even if I did, he was way too powerful for me. My heart was pounding, I could barely hear what was going on around me and I couldn't see anything due to his hand covering my face.

Was this it, was this the extent to myself, my life? I suppose I should be grateful that I got some sort of adventure, when I was a kid how I used to long for a challenge, something new I wanted to be an adventurer or become a knight. How foolish was I, all for what? To be abandoned by my friends, killed and all efforts gone to waste. I just wanted to do something more with my life, for it to be meaningful in some way, useful to people, useful to this world.

Suddenly I felt this power surge through every inch of my body, I heard the waves of the ocean, my freedom was calling out to me. I could envision it, right in front of me. The sea breeze, the taste of salt in the air, the sea spanning out as far as the eye could see, the ability to travel in any direction. I could feel it all:

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now