Chapter 17: In This Together

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*** Y/N POV***

Finally, we make it home with this humongous fish.

Anthon opened the door for us when we got back and his mouth dropped when he saw what we had caught.

"Whoa... What the hell is that! Did you catch it?" He stuttered and stumbled back a little.

"Yeah, I promised Teucer a big fish so I had to deliver, it seems Y/N is quite a natural at fishing." He grinned dragging it through the door with my help. Anthon just stood there shocked.

I was trying to lift the end of the fish up to prevent it dragging along the floor and as soon as Anthon realised, he rushed to help me. This thing weighed a ton.
We carried it all the way to the kitchen. Tonia was holding Teucer with Periboea, they were trying to warm up some milk it seemed.

"As promised Teucer, here the prize catch, just for you!" Ajax smiled as we put the fish down.

A huge grin came on Teucer's face "Wooowww, Big Bwrother is da best, Big fwishy!".

"Wow, that will feed us for days! Did you really catch that" Periboea asked in disbelief.

I smiled and nodded "Yeah, it was quite hard to pull it out of the water, but we managed together.".

"Very impressive" I heard a deep voice say from behind me, it was Telamon.

Ajax and I smiled at the praise, I could see it meant a lot to Ajax.

"Well, best I start getting dinner ready" Ajax's mum smiled rolling up her sleeves "Seems I have quite a big job ahead of me".

"Fwishy Fwishy!" Teucer clapped.

After all this family had done for me, I wanted to do something for them so I walked up to Periboea and put my hand on her arm "Don't worry, I will try and make dinner for you all, it's the least I can do".

Periboea blinked then smiled "Oh sweety, that would be absolutely lovely. Are you sure you are okay with this? Ajax, you will help her right" she looked over at him.

"Yeah course, I do know how to cook seafood, I suppose you could say it is my speciality dish!" He grinned smiling at me. I remember thinking to myself 'well that's good because I have no idea how to cook seafood', I prefer baking and making deserts, but I want to try.

Periboea gives me a big hug and thanks me, not that I had done anything yet. It did make me happy, then within 3 minutes we were alone in the kitchen.

"So..." I star at the fish, "I have never gutted a fish before... Where do we start?" I mumbled.

Ajax laughed as he looked over with part of the fish in his hands. "I tell you what, how about you make desert, and I will focus on the main course. I have a feeling you will be good at that".

He is right, I am much better at making cakes and deserts but how did he know that, I tilted my head to the side " Huh...Yeah, but how did you know that?".

"Well, if you can make anything as half as sweet as you are I bet it will be amazing" he winks.

I didn't know what so say, blood rose to my face. I opened my mouth to speak but I was lost for words. "Well....well...I", I couldn't think of any come back at all. So, I just stood there mouth opening and closing just like a little fish blowing bubbles.

Ajax chuckled, he put on an apron and started preparing the fish "Well don't stand there gawping, you have a desert to make!".

Ajax chuckled, he put on an apron and started preparing the fish "Well don't stand there gawping, you have a desert to make!"

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now