Chapter 2: Into the Unknown

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****Your POV****

It was quiet, too quiet. Everything seemed cold and hard.
Slowly I started to make out some sound in the deafening silence that seemed to be surrounding me.

Drip, drip drip.

I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids seemed too heavy or was it that my body was too weak.
Was this a dream, where am I, and what happened? Slowly I tried to remember my thoughts; I was playing, Tom, Cara and Isabelle. I remember the sun beaming down. Then it all came flood back to me in an instant, I leant forward gasping for air, coughing in the process. I spat out mouthfuls of water, coughing it all up.

"Urgh..." I moan as I try to catch my breath, struggling between coughing and getting oxygen. I shiver as I hug myself, trying to warm up. I was soaked through to the bone, wet from hitting the water. I thought back to my last moments, I was falling, the sea was beneath me, I don't remember hitting it though. I slowly look around; rocks, ruins, a livid (a dull leaden-blue colour) sky and silence. No one or thing in sight.

'Was I on the ocean floor?' I think to myself looking up to expect to see the sea above me, of course, I didn't, you can't fall below the water. Did I think I was in some kind of novel or fantasy game, stupid. I saw a rocky cave-like ceiling above me. Everyone knows you can't fall through rocks, so I look around to try and get a better understanding of my surroundings. The dripping I had heard seemed to be coming from a rock that I was had been leaning up against, water was falling off it into the puddle beneath me. Am I dead I think to myself, nothing makes sense?

As many thoughts were running through my mind I started to feel limbs stinging, that's right, when Cara landed on me we rolled into a bush, I slowly start to stand up, brushing myself off. I look down at the puddle and see my own reflection, my H/L hair was a mess, twigs and leaves were all stuck in it, my clothes were soaked and my eyes had a dark circle under them 'was that from crying earlier or from exhaustion?' I thought to myself. I shook my head, my appearance didn't matter now, first off, I need to find some help or someone. I look to my side and see a branch coming out from the rocky wall. "So there life here, that's a good start" I mumble to myself, but my voice echoes slightly off the walls repeating the words back to me. I look around for a source of light, and I see in the distance, past some ruins to the left a slightly lighter sky. So, I decide to make my way over there after picking up my dagger that had been lying beside me.

 So, I decide to make my way over there after picking up my dagger that had been lying beside me

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As I walked, my footsteps filled the cave with noise, replaying it back to me. Making me feel like there was someone behind or following me.

The thought of my friend's face kept flashing in my mind, her eyes. Those terrified yet oddly satisfying look she gave me as she pushed. I kept questioning myself: 'why did she do it, what did I do wrong, where did it all fall apart, what could I have done differently, would they all be better off if I never met them?', I had so many questions and so little answers. I trusted her, I trusted them all, I would have laid down my life for them in an instant if needed, but now that it seems to have possibly come to that I'm unsure if I regret my actions, my thoughts and decisions, especially after my final moments with her. My mind keeps racing until I find myself near the light. Suddenly I heard a determined scream, I rushed towards the sound making sure to hide behind a rock before peering out.

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