Chapter 41: Chocolates to Share?

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***Ajax POV***

I didn't see much of Y/N over the next few days, and she didn't come back one night. I just assumed she was busy with her training like she mentioned she would be. I didn't want to disturb, so I stayed out of the way and focused on myself.

I had some amazing training sessions with Scaramouche today; he seemed to turn it up a notch after our conversation the other day. I had gone through so many clothes due to them all being shredded during our fight, so I just had some cheap black clothes on as it didn't matter if they got destroyed. I can't lie; I was worried when I saw Scaramouche come out of Y/N's room. What were they doing, and where was she the night before? Surely she wouldn't pick him over me, right? I know we are not officially together, but I told her I liked her, and she said the same. Besides, I feel like she would tell me if that was the case anyway. But I will definitely have to keep an eye on that Scaramouche; he is too short for his own good; it's not natural.

I briefly saw Y/N today, and she seemed a bit distant; I tried to be myself around her, but she seemed on edge recently. On that note, Dottore seemed busy as he hadn't come back out of his laboratory, but he seemed like the kind of person who could get engrossed in work/research. I often wondered what kind of work went on down there.

Each harbinger was told to look after and maintain the fatui to help keep operations moving, allowing us to grow stronger and improve our reputation and influence all over Teyvet. I hadn't been told what section or part of the fatui I would be in charge of yet. That would happen at our debut as harbingers, which would occur when everything was organised and sorted.

Everyone seemed so busy around the castle. A lot of work needed to occur when someone was rising to the rank of harbinger; their uniforms need to be made, soldiers needed to be picked to serve them, and their crest required to be designed. All exciting things but nothing I personally could help sort. So I focused on training and becoming stronger as that was all I could do, not that I was complaining. I really enjoyed battling strong opponents. This is an opportunity I wouldn't have had unless I joined the Fatui. I had learnt how to use an Electro delusion and incorporate it with my Hydro vision. The delusion I had been using wasn't my official one, and I would get a better delusion, allowing me to be even stronger later on.

All the harbingers seemed very busy now, there was no one left to spar, and I was stuck with nothing to do. Eventually, after a few days of solo training, I got a note saying that my attendance was required in an event on the 20th of July, which was three days.

So I decided to go and see Y/N. I wanted to know what she was up to, plus it was probable time we went back home to gather all of our belongings now we knew we were officially moving out of home.

"Girlie!" I shout through the door. But there was no response; where could she have gone?

I spent the next few hours looking around the castle until I finally came across the outhouse where we were in the other day. I saw Y/N on the floor near the flowers that had died recently after our encounter with the queen. She must have been tending them and fallen asleep, her hair was quite messy, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She must have been training really hard. I was so proud of her.

The flowers she had given her attention to had really blossomed and were a brilliant red colour. I walked over to her and knelt down; she looked so peaceful sleeping; it was clear she needed a break from all this training. I suppose I had to wake her up; the floor was cold and hard, not the ideal place for her to sleep.

"Morning, gorgeous", I smiled. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Ajax?" She looked dazed after her unexpected nap.

"Ajax?" She looked dazed after her unexpected nap

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