Chapter 26: Game On!

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***Ajax POV***

Finally, it was the start of the final training camp. It had been just over a week since we started, but it felt like an eternity.

We all stood in alignment, waiting for the fighting instructor to come. I looked beside me and saw Y/N H/C hair float in the wind. Had she not learnt anything from Skirk, it would get in her way if she didn't tie it up.

As we all waited, I saw three guys join the end of the line; they looked familiar. I racked my brain to try and remember their faces, yes, of course. They were the ones we had to carry over the mountain; obviously, they had come back from the infirmary. It was a shame they didn't freeze to death; they caused Y/N and I extra work. I only needed strong opponents to fight in this training exercise, and I didn't want them to dilute the group's strength.

"Attention!" An officer shouted in front of us. We all stiffed up in response.

"Some of you may know by now this training exercise will test your strength. Although it is not mandatory that you pass this, you need to score in the top 25% if you want to move into certain areas of the Fatui. The first two days will comprise of training, whilst the last two days will be the competition." She explained the following days, the first day would be picking a weapon and training with it, and the second day would be for those without visions to try harnessing the power of delusions.

With that, we split off into training buddies. Of course, Y/N and I got together. If we were going to improve, we needed to be on similar levels.

I decided to try with a Claymore. Not only would it help to improve my strength, but it would also enable me to deal with large amounts of damage, especially as we were unable to use our visions on the first day. Y/N, as usual, pick the sword.

"You ready?" I prepared my weapon.

"As ready as I'll ever be, Don't you dare disappoint me" she clenched her sword, grinning.

"Me, disappoint? How dare you assume that I, Ajax could disappoint you in battle" I grinned back.

"Me, disappoint? How dare you assume that I, Ajax could disappoint you in battle" I grinned back

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We went at each other. Her speed was unparalleled. She also blocked most of my attacks, and I didn't have time to get in a good attack because she was on the offensive again as soon as she parried.

We went on and on, sparks flying from our weapons. Her stamina had improved, and she could last longer in a fight. I was so proud of her, my special comrade.

We got so engrossed in the battle we didn't realise that we had caught the attention of all our fellow cadet's eyes, even the instructor. They were so drawn in by the battle unfolding before their eyes.

Although we didn't care about our surroundings, finally, we were able to let go. We didn't have to lug anyone up a mountain or be restricted by rules; we were here to fight. It was as simple as that. Slowly we had made some progress on each other. Little cuts had appeared on all of our bodies. But the adrenaline coursing through our veins meant we didn't feel a thing, only a rush of battle.

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