Chapter 6: Training and Feedback

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***Y/N POV***

I remember waking up to a dreadful smell. I sit up suddenly, worried that someone might have died in the night, and that was their corpse rotting. But I quickly understand the situation and know that it's just our hilichurl breakfast cooking. I had hoped Skirk would know of some better food around here, but clearly not. Ajax was helping her prepare the food, he must have gotten up early. It was clear he was eager to train today. Then I realised I had no idea when early was since there was no sun to give me an indication of the time. I rub my eyes as I am handed the 'breakfast', I really don't know how long I will be able to stomach this for, all I can say was it's a good job I was hungry, otherwise I would have given it a hard pass.

It looked like Ajax and Skirk had been talking prior to me waking up, they both seemed in a good mood, it made the atmosphere better and installed some trust. We finish breakfast then got ready, picking up our weapons.

(Ignore this paragraph if Y/N has short hair!) "Well first thing first, you can't fight enemies with all that hair loose Y/N" she looked at my messy hair, I hadn't managed to have a shower since we got here and there were still twigs coming out of it. "Ohh.." I stutter looking down to my wrist expecting to find a hairband, but there wasn't. Skirk then walks and hands me something that initially looked like a bit of string but upon closer inspection it was lots of small wood peelings all braided together, reinforcing it to make it strong. I looked up at her before smiling "Thanks!". I used it to tie my hair up into a ponytail, creating a bow with the string.

"Well kids, grab your weapons and let's go, I know a good place to train," she said walking out confidently in a certain direction. It seemed she knew this place very well, 'how long had she been here' I thought to myself.
I looked over at Ajax. He grabbed both daggers and handed one to me, "Thanks..." I mutter, a bit nervous about the situation and it appeared he could tell as he replied "It's okay Y/N, Skirk is strong, she is going to teach us". I looked at him and nodded.

We follow Skirk for about half an hour before she stopped and pointed at a group of monsters "You see those there. I want you to go and kill them all, it should be simple so don't think I will come to help you if you struggle. I will observe your actions and give you feedback".
It seemed a bit harsh that she wouldn't come to help us, but I supposed she was just trying to get us to fight for real.

I looked at Ajax, I saw that spark in his eye as he grinned, our brains were on the same wavelength. We didn't even have to discuss a plan.
At the same time we ran out, he focused on the closest 3 whilst I ran to the Hilichurls who was standing further away with a bow and arrow. I was slightly faster than him, so we began our fight at the same time.


***Ajax's POV***

I ran up to the first Hilichurl, dagger at the ready. I sliced his chest, then neck, then arm until he was stunned. His health bar had gone down 2/3rds. I then adjusted my gaze and focused on the reflection in my dagger and saw the other Hilichurl behind me to my left.

 I then adjusted my gaze and focused on the reflection in my dagger and saw the other Hilichurl behind me to my left

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now