Chapter 30: The Invitation

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***Y/N POV***

I sat on my bed, looking out of the window at the main hall in the distance, thinking about the graduation ceremony that was soon going to take place.

Ajax was able to walk now. The lucky bastard woke up feeling a lot better. Although he was still injured and couldn't walk more than 20 meters, he could still get up. He said it was because he slept well, but I know full well it was that injection the Rooster gave him last night. It was apparent he wanted to show me what resources the Fatui could get their hands on; with medicine like that, maybe Ajax's Dad could be fully cured one day...

On that note, I had taken the letters and hidden them in a drawer. I didn't want Ajax to worry about my surprise visit last night. Although I hated hiding things from him, I knew it was for the best, for the moment at least. I needed to figure out what was going on first.

Ajax was sitting down in the corner, staring off into space.

The Nurse came in, and I had managed to get the letters out without Ajax noticing and stuffed them in my top

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The Nurse came in, and I had managed to get the letters out without Ajax noticing and stuffed them in my top. "Excuse me..." I said.

The Nurse looked at me as I continued talking, "Any chance you could help me get to the bathroom?" I ask awkwardly and embarrassed.

"Yeah, of course, dear", she helped lift me up, and slowly we managed to walk to the bathroom, but I had to lean all my upper body weight on her.

As soon as she had closed the bathroom door behind me, I reached into my top to grab the invites. Unfortunately, my wound had opened slightly when walking here, causing the corner of one of the letters to be covered in blood.

Slowly I opened the envelope to reveal the letter inside:

Slowly I opened the envelope to reveal the letter inside:

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That was in 2 months at the Zapolyarny Palace. The palace was where the Tsaritsa lived and held her most crucial meeting with the 10 Harbingers. If it was a night to celebrate all the previous work of the fatui, maybe I would be able to piece together what their overall plan was. I had to go.

I was also glad they didn't know my last name from my original family. It proved that they didn't know everything about me. I felt safer knowing this.

I may face a few hurdles, like finding a dress to wear and actually getting there, but I can sort that out later. Whilst I was thinking to myself, I heard a knock on the door. "Are you done, Miss? Do you need help returning to your bed?".

Shoot, I had taken too long. Quickly, I flushed the toilet to make it seem like I had just been and stuffed the invite back down my top. I then proceeded to open the door. The nurse helped me to my bed. "Thank you".

"My pleasure, now make sure you stay still and rest up. Hopefully, you will be well enough to leave in about a week and a half under doctor supervision," She says to both of us as she walks out of the door to resume her other duties.

Ajax was looking directly at the main hall. The Ceremony was set to start in about half an hour, and we could see cadets heading that way.

"Go, you can just about walk. I'm sure if you ask someone, they will accompany you there. It's my fault you cannot go," I sighed.

Ajax turned round to face me. "I'm not leaving you here alone. I said we are in this together. There would be no point without you."

"It's not like you have the strength at this time to help me there, so don't worry about me. Go and enjoy yourself. You can tell me all about it when you come back" I tried to smile, but it was hard to hide my disappointment.

Suddenly I heard a crash at the door, and Katie fell in. "Oww...." she moaned.

"I told you not to eavesdrop!" Jade stood behind her

"But I wanted to come in at the perfect moment and surprise them!" She pouted whilst Eleanor picked her off the floor.

Ajax and I just stared in bewilderment, unsure what exactly was happening.

"Well, are you two love birds coming?" Eleanor asked.

"Huh?" I looked at Ajax, but he seemed as confused as I was.

"Well, it's not exactly a graduation without you two." Eleanor smiled

"Yeah, there's no way I would have passed that training session if it wasn't for what you taught me, and without you, Eleanor would have had no way to pass that survival task, so we just can't graduate without you!" Katie explained and the other two just nodded in agreement.

"Aww... Thank you guys, but I really don't think I am in any condition to walk all the way over there, especially in the cold. Plus, we have been told to stay here and rest". I appreciate their efforts and sentiment, I really do, but it just doesn't seem possible.

Katie giggled. "Don't worry. We are two steps ahead of you".

Jade goes out the door and brings a wheelchair with some crutches, a large blanket, and some clothes on the seat.

"Operate Graduation!" Eleanor grinned, then continued to explain the details. "Y/N, you will go in the wheelchair, and we will cover you in a blanket. Not only hiding you and getting you out secretly but also keeping you warm. Ajax, you will change into these clothes that Katie found lying around in the guards' office. The hat will help cover your head bandage. No one will see us leave. If not, we just run, what's the worst that can happen!"

"Well... The clothes weren't exactly lying around like I told you guys... This officer left them out whilst he had a shower..." Katie confessed. The consequence of getting caught just rose.

"Katie!" Both of them yelled at her. Then looked over at us for confirmation if we were in or not.

My eyes widened. They had thought of all this just for us. So that we could attend too. I felt so thrilled, my eyes nearly teared up with happiness, but I wiped them before they did.

"Did your vision nearly leak again" Ajax teased.

"Shut up", I whispered back at him, and he laughed in response. "I'm in!" I smiled.

They passed Ajax the clothes, and he went to change in the bathroom. It took him a while to do it safely.

Meanwhile, they helped me out of bed and into the wheelchair. This felt quite embarrassing for me, not that I would ever judge anyone else in a wheelchair, and I knew none of my friends was judging me. I just couldn't shake the feeling. I hated being a burden to everyone, and this plan was all because I couldn't get to the main hall. They were risking themselves for me. I guess this is what true friendship is like.

***End of chapter***

Wow, 3 chapters in one day, I'm on a role :D

That invitation took forever to make, I was trying to do it on my phone but it kept deleting it cause I went back a page, so had to open it up on my computer.

Moota xx

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