Chapter 56: Harbingers Reuniting with a Common Goal

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Author note: little spoiler about Yelan friendship level backstop in this chapter. Also, spoilers and pictures from the video released today Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo.

***Y/N POV***

The following day I had to help Childe complete an urgent request with his work. A man owed the fatui money but wasn't paying up. Every time Tartaglia sent someone there to collect the money, our guys were seriously injured. So as a harbinger, we went to deal with him ourselves. Even though it was work, it was enjoyable. I will never forget the look on his face and how serious he was when the man was trying to negotiate with him and beg for forgiveness.

(Eager to move on with the story, so I won't go into this, but once the story is complete, I may do some odd in-between chapters - for example, talk about this job with Tartaglia for fun, possible add some more childhood ones in for memory sake wh...

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(Eager to move on with the story, so I won't go into this, but once the story is complete, I may do some odd in-between chapters - for example, talk about this job with Tartaglia for fun, possible add some more childhood ones in for memory sake which will all link in and relate to this story)

Then after that job, the time came when I had to say goodbye again. Not only to Ajax but all the new friends I had made along the way. Even though I had only known them for a few days, it felt like forever. Hu tao said that she would welcome us back dead or alive, which was her way of being sweet, I suppose, or at least hope. Tartaglia promised to come to me in Fontaine next time, which I was very excited about.

So with that, Pix took me on the journey back. It seemed longer than when we went down; the trip dragged out. We stopped a few times, mainly so Pix could take a break and so I could stretch my legs and kill a few monsters. I was feeling sad after leaving ajax, so it did me good. Sitting all alone in a carriage wasn't the best thing.

Finally, we arrived back at my home in Fontaine.

I walked into my office after Pix had taken my coat from me and saw all the letters spread out just how I had left them. I took a deep sigh. It reminded me of how much I had to do. I felt the headache start to come on just thinking about it.

I thought it best to crack at it now, so the workload didn't get any worse. I picked up the piles where I left off.

The research teams have uncovered a bit of information that was surprisingly starting to piece together. It had come to my attention that the Abyss was in a different realm altogether, which explained the timing difference we experienced. Whilst the Dark sea, Teyvet and Celestia were all here. Little was known about how to get to the Abyss except for using abyssal energy as portals. Unfortunately, I suspect this to be Khaenri'ah technology that we as a nation did not have our hands-on. But I believe that the Leylines in this world are heavily connected, and maybe the key one day to getting there, as that tree we connected with in the Abyss got us out. The Abyss is a place that Celestia doesn't like, so understanding its secrets might help us to defeat Celestia. I remember Skirk once saying when we got our visions, 'Ha... So you are looking down here'. I now assume she was relating to a god or someone in Celestia when she said that. Those words stuck with me for some reason, as she wasn't speaking to us at that moment. It was weird. I wonder who she really was and if we will ever get the chance to meet again.

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