Chapter 44: Festival - Fireworks

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***Y/N POV***

Our family had left, leaving just Ajax and I in the crowds of the festival.

I felt some tension in the air, which was weird considering we had been together many times before, and it was no big deal.

"So..." Ajax started to speak, "What do you want to do now? We have a few hours left until midnight."

"Well, I'm starting to get a bit hungry", I started to say, but my stomach rumbled, interrupting my sentence.

"I'm guessing someone wants food" Ajax chuckled a bit, then looked around at all the different places selling food.

I followed him, lightly holding his hand and looking around at all the lights before getting to the food section. Since this was a cultural festival celebrating all the different types of nations, there was a lot of variety in the cuisine available, but most of the stands were selling fish related products; since it was a fishing village, so those ingredients were cheaper and easier to get.

I sniffed the air and the aroma of all different types of food. It smelt amazing. "Ahh..." I signed, appreciating all the different flavours entering my nose.

"You're so easy to please, Y/N" He smiles, looking down at me and placing his hand on my head before rubbing it.

"It's not that; I'm just hungry!" I say before my stomach rumbles again. My nose eventually leads me to this one stall selling cute Sushi pieces.

"Look over there, Ajax!" I tugged on the side of his Kimono.

"Wait up! I can only walk so fast without falling over," he said, trying to keep up with me laughing.

"Look how adorable these are!" I pointed at the Sushi, which was made into cute shapes, which kind of made it a shame to eat. I also knew Ajax liked fish, so it was a win-win for both of us.

"Two, please" Ajax smiled at the stall owner, who gave us two boxes.

"Two, please" Ajax smiled at the stall owner, who gave us two boxes

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"Let's go and find somewhere to eat" I smiled.

Ajax nodded, and we walked over to a bench. I handed him some chopsticks I had been given and started eating through my box

"Umm..." I felt my smile spread all over my face. They were delicious. After a while, I looked over to Ajax to see if he was enjoying them but realised he hadn't even touched them. Instead, he was fumbling around with the chopsticks.

"Ajax? Everything okay?" I asked, worried I had chosen a food he didn't want. I did kinda force him into it.

"Ohh, Err yeah..." He looked flustered.

Ohh, I see. He can't use chopsticks; I laugh to myself before asking him, "Do you need help?".

"No, no, it's fine. I'll get the hang of it soon. It's just why would people eat things with sticks? Like the food has to get from A to B, a fork is way easier" He tries to grip the chopsticks but keeps failing. Eventually, one drops to the floor and I heard a groan come out of his mouth.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now