Chapter 61: The Fated Reunion

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***Y/N POV***

We continued shouting at the top of our lungs for a while. Ajax's face was so cute after hearing me shout for the first, he blushed so much you would barely tell he had freckles anymore.

"Ajax is the greatest toy salesman in the world" I shouted, trying to impersonate Tuecer's little cute voice.

Ajax laughed in response, before turning more serious "Aww man, what is he gonna do when he finds out the truth....".

"Well, I might have a solution for that" I grinned.

Ajax looked over raising his eyebrow "Ohh yeah, and what might that be?"

"Well, I might have told Diluc that I was a toy salesman from Snezhnaya, looking to expand my business here in Mondstadt. So..." I suggested the backup plan as a joke and Ajax catches on.

"So once we save the world and complete our goal you think we should settle down and start a toy selling business?"

I giggled at the idea "And Teucer will be none the wiser!".

Ajax laughed in response "Well that's after defeat Celestia of course. Don't tell me you forgot our promise?".

I remembered "Ohh of course not, I wouldn't dream of starting a toy business with you before defeating Celestia. It's basically a requirement in the job description".

Ajax chuckled at the thought, whilst I was just imagining 2 old ex-war veterans running a toy shop.

We continued to giggle and joking around for a while longer until I caught a glimpse of Celestia in the night sky. It wasn't always visible but tonight it stood up high above as if it was mocking us.

Ajax noticed me staring "We will do it you know, we won't be the Fools. History wont repeat itself"

I go to turn around and agree with him but accidentally tripped on a pebble, causing me to fall.

Ajax noticed me fall backwards as he reached out his hand to try and grab me "Y/N!".

Well, he managed to grab me but without stable footing himself we both ended up rolling down the grassy side of the cliff.

He covered my head with his hands so I didn't sustain any serious injury, In fact the only real discomfort I experienced was motion sickness from all the spinning.

"Urgh..." I heard Childe groan as we came to a stop.

"You okay?" I tried to say, whilst the whole world was still spinning around me.

"Yeah I'm okay, you?" He replied

"I think.... if I could see anything" I bluntly answered

"Ohh sorry!" He released his grip on my head which had been getting tighter subconsciously.

I looked around, we were covered in grass and dirt, Ajax more than I as he had been shielding me for most of the fall.

When Ajax saw me he started laughing.

"What?" I looked at him confused as he reached to my ear.

"You have a Cecilia's up your nose" He chuckled and removed it before showing it to me.

"Ewwww, don't put it near me" I laughed pushing his hand away.

He laughed, standing up he turned around to go and pick it up again, and that is when I saw the back of his clothes had been torn from rolling down the hill, they must have got caught on some rocks. Luckily there wasn't much blood so just his clothes had been ruined.

"You need to go and get changed... your clothes are all ripped and dirty" I muttered feeling bad about the whole situation.

He stopped what he was doing and replied "On that note, Pix should have arrived this afternoon with all our stuff, we should probably go back and check he's there".

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now