Chapter 15: A Coat, Scarf, Earrings and Some Bullies

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***Y/N POV***

The next few days went quite quickly. I went shopping with Periboea and Ajax. We had a week off school to recover from our adventures in the Abyss. Periboea showered me with gifts. I brought many different clothes that were suitable for this weather and others for indoors and summer when it got a bit hotter.

***Ajax's POV***

Shopping wasn't really my thing but seeing Y/N dressed up in all these different Snezhnayan clothes really played with my emotions, and She was gorgeous. She had been a diamond in the rough before but was now shining so bright.

After a bit, my mother had to go home to do a few jobs around the house before my siblings got back from school. My mother had given me a bag of Mora to get Y/N the things she needed to help her adjust to her new life. I started to take her on a tour around the local town. We lived in a village near the sea, it had a few shops and the odd Café but nothing fancy, for this trip we had gone to town. Her eyes lit up when she saw the main street.

"Wow, it's like a winter wonderland here!" she explained, and she excited hopped from one attraction to the other "It's all so pretty!".

She stood out a bit compared to everyone. I guess she wasn't used to the culture and was just so excited. She then stopped and looked in the window of a shop at a lovely coat. In fact, it reminded me a bit of the coat I had was wearing when I met her. It was grey with white fluff around the bottom and came out a bit where the skirt was. There was a deal going on, buy the coat and get a free red scarf. "Ohh wow, Ajax, look at this. Isn't it pretty. It's like what you wore!".

"Yeah, I guess. Is it something you want?" I ask her. She seemed very interested, and she would need a good coat if she were to stay here.

"No, it's okay... Your family has already helped me out enough" she looked down. I could clearly see she wanted it. I sighed. Didn't she know she could have whatever she wanted within reason, my mum loved her. "Come on," I say whilst walking into the shop.

She kept trying to tell me not to buy it, something about costing my mum money and that she could have something else or borrow clothes. She can't borrow clothes for the rest of her life, we have Mora, and Mora needs to be spent. If not, it's just bits of useless metal. I ignored her pleads to stop and went up to the counter.

The cashier lady smiled as she wrapped the coat up in a bag, placing the scarf on top. "Is this all, sir?".

I was about to say yes when something caught my eye. I looked through the glass cabinet under the till and saw some shining red earrings. I blushed all of a sudden. They would look so pretty on Y/N. "Ohh, and can I get a pair of these as well?" I add as I reach into my pocket and get out my own personal money.

 "Ohh, and can I get a pair of these as well?" I add as I reach into my pocket and get out my own personal money

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Y/N was busy having a good look around the shop, amazed by all the different clothing styles. I smiled to myself. I loved to see her happy, especially after seeing nothing but pain and distress in her face from the first few days I met her. She was significantly wounded by what her friend did to her. I swear if I ever saw her..... I cleared my mind. Now was not the time to be thinking of the past. We are here to improve our future.

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