Chapter 11: Branches, Roots and Ley Lines

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***Y/N POV***

Ajax and I ran after Skirk. We had calmed down a lot since our skills had improved. We treated this as a bit of a game every day. Who could keep the closest for longest won. We were pretty neck to neck.

As he was running near the rock, I was hiding at to overtake me I stuck my foot out and whistled.

He fell for it. H tripped over and facepalmed the ground. I was in hysterics, but I had to cover my mouth so Skirk wouldn't hear us.

Ajax stood up and looked at me, clearly not impressed. His expression just made me laugh, even more. I got a stitch in my side afterwards. I gripped onto the pain instinctually.

Ajax grinned and stuck his tongue out at me as he ran ahead:

Ajax grinned and stuck his tongue out at me as he ran ahead:

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Damn it, I think whilst smiling to myself. Ajax and I teased each other a lot recently; we were each others form of entertainment. Once I caught my breath, I ran after him.

Skirk was still ahead of us; she moved awfully fast. It was strange; we had been following her for about 25 minutes, we didn't even walk the whole way, more like jogging. This had been the longest we had managed to follow her for; we were feeling very optimistic.

Although most of it looked the same, I looked around; there did seem to be some differences in our surroundings. There were more roots here. When I caught up to Ajax, I pointed this out to him.

"Hmm...." He looked around "Yeah, your right...". He went over to one and looked at it more closely then called over to me "Hey, Y/N come to take a closer look at this one, something is different".

I chuckled, I wasn't falling for this one again, last time he told me to look closer at something he pushed me down and ran off ahead of me, winning the game "Haha, as if I'd fall for that one again". I shrugged him off.

His tone changed a bit "No, seriously, look at this".

I walked a bit closer to him to take a closer look, he was pointing at a certain part of one of the branches. It seemed to be a glowing blue line in the branch.

"What's this?" I ask him.

He shrugged cluelessly "I'm not sure, but look at this", he rubbed the branch, it revealed a sliver like colour, "Some of this branch is a different colour..."

It was odd, I had no idea what it was or what it represents. "Weird..." I mutter partially in thought.

We both stand up and looked around, it appeared there was a few glowing lights from other branches, we went over to look at them. It was strange but peaked both of our interests.

But this point we had lost track of Skirk. We must have been close to wherever she went each day, as she is normally only gone for an hour or so. We followed the branches, as we kept moving south more and more branches had the glowing blue lines on them and the silver colour became more and more prominent.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now