Chapter 18: School Starts

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***Y/N POV****

I had been in Snezhnaya for about a week and it was time for us to go to school, the one thing I wish I could have left behind in Mondstadt. We should only have a year or so left at school unless we wanted to pursue further education.

I put on my uniform and looked at myself in the mirror. It was okay, just an ordinary uniform. I had noticed that a lot of the colours people wore here were black, red and grey. I had a stripped red, black and grey bow around my neck, a grey tartan pleated skirt and a blue blazer with a white trim.

I grabbed my bag with all my new notebooks and dairy in it. Ajax family made sure I had all the necessary accessories I need like colour pens and pencils. I walked out of my room. I was ready for the day.

I get greeted by Ajax who was walking out of his room putting his blazer on.

"Morning Girlie" he greeted me smiling "Did ya sleep well?".

He looked so good in his uniform, I nearly forgot to answer "Oh...oh yeah... I did thanks " I smile back.

We had breakfast and headed out; the school was in the village. We walked Ajax's sibling to their classroom first, making sure they got their safety. We then headed towards our classroom, he smiled at me reassuring me that everything was going to be okay as he could see I was fidgeting with my skirt as we walked. He looked so cute.

"There's not the best group of people, try to ignore if they say anything Y/N, or let me know and ill sort them out" Ajax said looking ahead

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"There's not the best group of people, try to ignore if they say anything Y/N, or let me know and ill sort them out" Ajax said looking ahead.
"Ohhh.. Really..", he must not have very close relationship with his classmates or think much of them.
We walked the rest of the way in silence, I was trying to imagion what everyone was like, if it was like Edor I can't imagine it was a great environment. He seemed to have been attracted to Ajax, did people use to pick on him a lot?

After about 5 minutes we fibally we entered the classroom and all eyes where on us. It was a small town so new spread quickly that Ajax had returned after being missing for 3 days with an unknown girl had spread quickly. I heard the whole class whispering.
Ajax and I went sat down in the corner, we had a view of the oceon out of the window we sat near. It was beautiful the way it reflected the snow.

Edor was in the other corner from us, it was obvious that he didn't want to come near us.

The lessons that morning flew by quickly, I learnt a lot about Snezhyana and the history behind it. Alsugh I found it hard to concentrate as I couldn't stop starting at the back of Ajax's head, the way his hair swayed in the wind was mesmorising.

It looked so glorious in the sunlight, even with the imperfect backdrop of a school white board.

At break time he turned around to face me. He had been playing with his vision, causing water particulars to appear all around him.

 He had been playing with his vision, causing water particulars to appear all around him

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now