Chapter 49: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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***Ability/Skills Recap*** 

(After practicing more you have learn some more information/details about your skills).

Skill - Dancing Blades: Y/N produces two blades, attacking enemies with Hydro Damage at high speeds. Whilst in this stance, her defence drops 10 points per second. After ending Skill - Dancing Blades, Y/N Defence will rebuild itself at 5 points per second for the first 8 seconds then at 10 points per second afterwards until back at 100 percent.

Burst - Turmoil Turret: (Only applicable whilst using Dancing Blades) Creates a water tornado pulling enemies in, dealing damage every 0.25 secs; this damage is scaled off Y/N Hydro Damage. After 5 seconds, Y/N then plunged, hitting and knocking all enemies with physical damage. Using this Burst ends Skill - Dancing BladesBurst - Turmoil Turret will inflict Y/N with Hydro.

•❅──✧❅【Passive Talents】❅✧──❅•
Passive Talent 1: If Y/N is using Skill - Dancing Blades, then characters within a certain field have their Normal Attack SPD increased by 8% and CRIT RATE increases by 4%. [Unlock after Ascension Phase 1 - Unlocked]

Passive Talent 2: For every 5 seconds Y/N is using Dancing Blades, then Turmoil Turret get an attack increase of 10%; if Turmoil Turret is not used before Y/N ends Dancing Blades, then this effect is cancelled [Unlock after Ascension Phase 4 - Unlocked]

Passive Talent 3: Y/N is able to detect and alert the user if there is an enemy (hidden or not) within a 20-meter range.

***Y/N POV***

I sent a central team recruit to go and gather medicine from Dottore; there was no way he could refuse my request after what he put me through. I then looked at my team; they all seemed a bit nervous. After all, they were about to go into battle with Harbingers. They all gathered around in a circle for a brief tactical discussion:

"We are going against many enemies; some of you may be aware of some individual's ability from training and know each of their skills. Try to go against enemies where your delusion is advantageous; eye up who you are going to now. The more efficient we are, the higher chances we have of success!" I say, trying to improve motivation in the team before giving them a warning, "Try to avoid close contact with Tartaglia. Everyone who has range skills, I want you to try and go fire him. If he applies his mark (Riptide), you could take additional damage and affect others upon your defeat.

To start with, I will rush in but will drop back after a while. Those who have Pyro delusions attack after me to make the most of the vaporise reaction. If I do decide to use my mist ability, hold your breath. Otherwise, you will be affected and avoid Tartaglia's whale attack at all costs. But the key to this battle is elemental reactions!". After everyone nodded and seemed to understand the plan, I added, "When I start moving, we begin".

"Glory to team Astraea!" Everyone shouted as we turned around to face the other team.

"You ready?" Ajax smiled down at us all. He had his hydro spear out already, and his team stood behind him, raring to go.

 He had his hydro spear out already, and his team stood behind him, raring to go

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