Chapter 36: In This Together - Ajax Edition

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***Y/N POV**

The following day we didn't speak much. There was an awkward silence in the air.

I was still feeling run down after the previous night. Still, I didn't want my mood to affect my relationship with Ajax, so I went and tried to freshen myself up in the bathroom.

I slapped myself with cold refreshing water and said confidently, "You can do this!". I tried to grin and cheer myself up, but it wasn't exactly working. I felt fairly useless, Ajax had managed to control his emotions last night, and I on the other hand, had definatly not. I needed to become stronger. It wasn't fair on him. He handled the situation as well as could be excepted, even better, really. Yet I just froze. I couldn't just stand around and do nothing. We probably had a few long days ahead of us until we were meant to be released into the Fatui on the 10th of this month if that was still the plan at this point.

I decided it was best to go for a walk and try to clear my head; it had clearly worked for Ajax the previous night.

So with just a simple goodbye, I left and walked around the training grounds taking in the fresh air.

***Ajax POV***

I was quite tired from the previous night, as I didn't get back until very late. I was worried about Y/N and how I had shouted in the carriage, so much so that I barely slept.

I must admit it hurt when she told me she was going on a walk without even inviting me or asking if I wanted to come. I suppose someone had to wait here to see if any news would come about our situation. I kept thinking it over in my head. The Jester said our resolve would be tested, and necessary procedures would be followed. What exactly did he mean by that? I kept thinking it over and over in my head.

"Ugh, I'm going to get a headache if I keep thinking about it", I groaned; what will be, will be. No point in getting obsessed over it. What can I do now, right this instance, to cheer Y/N up? She was clearly still sad, and it was because of my reaction last night. I wanted to be better; that wolf showed me he could lay down his life for his loved ones. The least I could do is suck it up and try to be nice. Although she must know that she should never ever lie to me.

After a while of debating ideas, one pops into my head: she loves sweet treats and didn't get to try what I got for her last night. I will make that dish she made for my family a while ago. That will definitely make her happy.

I rolled up my sleeves and wrapped an apron around my waist. She is gonna love it. I wanted her to know that we were in the together no matter what. I started to prepare the food, that cake itself went in the oven, and I was busy cutting up the decorations for the top when I heard the door go. It seemed like Y/N was back from her walk.

"Ajax? I'm sorry again about last night. This harbinger thing will sort itself out. I promise I won't keep any secrets from you again. I just didn't know what was best at the time..." I heard her call from the front door, but she got cut off when she saw me in the kitchen.

I turned around to look at her, happy she seemed in a better mood:

I turned around to look at her, happy she seemed in a better mood:

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now