Chapter 31: Operation Graduation!

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***Ajax POV***

I finished changing in the bathroom, wow, I really did look like an officer, and all my wounds were fairly covered up. Hopefully, we will be able to pull this off.

Katie must have stolen some senior officer outfit as it seemed really good quality. Of course, I kept my earring on. Hopefully, no one would notice or recognise me easily.

I was glad Y/N seemed happier than the other day. It broke my heart to see her cry. This mess was really my fault. She blames herself, but if only I had managed to defeat her before she used that new attack, none of this would have happened.

I stepped out of the bathroom, holding on tightly to the door to help support my weight. I can't lie, my rib still really hurt, but I was much better than yesterday.

"Here" Jade passed me a crutch, and I grabbed it with my left hand, taking the weight off the left side of my body. That was easier. I don't think I would have managed without it, "Thanks".

Y/N looked up and me and smiled before Jade chucked the blanket over her.

"Ready?" Eleanor looked at me. I nodded in response, and we got moving.

They were walking quickly, and no member of staff gave us a second look. I was surprised, a wheelchair with a blanket covering it seemed suspicious to me. What are they used to seeing? Did they not question it because there was a 'Senior Officer 'here? I suppose being higher up in the Fatui really did give you some benefits. Luckily the floor was flat in the hospital, so I didn't have too much trouble keeping up with them, and Y/N had a smooth ride.

Finally, we made it out to the open, and we all smiled at each other. Phase 2 was complete. The terrain here got a bit rougher, and I nearly stumbled a few times. I hurt like hell I can't lie; I winced several times.

Jade caught on a slowed down a bit, but we were all weary of the time and that the ceremony would start soon.

Suddenly we when over a bump and I heard Y/N scream. Quickly I hobbled over to her and lifted the blanket up, and looked at her to check she was okay.

 Quickly I hobbled over to her and lifted the blanket up, and looked at her to check she was okay

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Her face was distorted from the pain. You could tell the bumpy ride was causing her some trouble.

"Do you need a break?" I asked, concerned.

She shook her head, but I could tell she couldn't speak as she was in so much pain.

"Okay, we will press on; let me know if you need to stop," I said to her but made a hand signal to slow down to our friends, who all understood the situation.

I don't know why she was trying to play the tough cookie, it would just cause her recovery to take longer if she overdid it now, but I will play along.

Finally, after 10 minutes, we were right near the main building. I could hear the ceremony begin inside. I had to stop and take a breather before we moved on. I leaned up against the building.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now