Chapter 60: Barbados is a Bard?

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***Y/N POV***

The next day came quickly, and I spent it wandering around the streets, trying to find any helpful information whilst keeping an eye out for the bard from the previous night.

On a couple of occasions, I bumped into Keaya. He seemed as perky as he was the previous night, although a little bit on the more tired side. To be honest, I was surprised he didn't have a hangover from the amount he was drinking. It was true that the knights had more work; you would see that the number of guards had increased and tensions had risen. But it's not like the Fatui were threatening anyone at this moment, in fact we had helped Mondstadt in the past.

A few times, I walked past the toy shop, covering my face when I did. I couldn't help it; I was curious to know more about my family. I also walked past my home; it was nice to see all the flowers had been kept alive and the building had been maintained well. I peered closer into the window to look at what the inside was like; there were children's toys scattered across the floor and a few pillows lying around. It was the same, slightly messy but lived in a home.
I didn't realise the window was slightly cracked open, allowing the different aromas from inside to waft out. My mum had been cooking bread again. It smelt delicious. Without realising it, I pressed my head against the window, smelling my old home, which lulled me into a sense of security and made me ignorant of everything else.

"Are you alright, miss? Are you conducting some kind of experiment, smelling people's houses?" A calm voice said behind me.

I quickly jumped back and panicked. "Huh..?" I say, confused.

A man with blonde hair looks me up and down. I felt like I was being analysed. "I'm just stating that it's not normal to be smelling someone's window with such focus. Is there something I might be able to help you with?"

"I... I smelt some cooking, bread to be exact and well... it smelt so nice, I got lost in thought and well..." I trailed off, thinking about my mother cooking.

"You ended up sniffing the window. If you're that hungry, I can show you to some food places...." The blonde-haired man finished my sentence.

"No, it's okay, thanks. But Yes, it appears so" I lightly chuckle, hoping he would buy it. His face seemed very calm as he showed little emotion. He was very hard to read.

"Well, you might want to refrain from doing that again. It is odd behaviour, to say the least..." He sighed, but just before he walked off, he spoke again, "Be careful, though clothes will cause suspicion at the moment, that and peering into people's houses may cause you to get into some trouble. Just be careful".

"Wait", I called without realising what I was doing. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team, but you can call me Albedo", He mumbled as he looked down at his notebook walking off.

So that was one of the captains. I would have to keep an eye on him. He definitely thought I was up to something, and I can't blame him. After a few moments, a massive gust of wind flew past me, casting the once-open window to slam shut. I stumbled back in response and grunted.

"You seem lost in thought there, miss Adelaide" A chirpy voice hummed as the boy walked up to me.

"Ohh Venti, what a pleasure seeing you here" I smiled, looking at him, secretly analysing every inch of his body. His green cape floated, even when he wasn't standing directly in the wind.

"Hehe, likewise." He looked at me up and down before asking, "So, what's a toy seller like you doing in the alleys of Mondstadt?".

I addressed the young boy. "Well, I'm sure as a bard you would know that inspiration can hit you anywhere, so why not allow myself to wander the street of Mondstadt freely, letting the wind spark my imagination" I smiled. Purposely picking up on words linking Mondstadt to the god of freedom to see if he had any reaction.

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