Chapter 28: The Winner Takes it all

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Author note: just a warning for readers that the battle gets a bit intense/there is blood. Also it is quite a long chapter 😅

***Y/N POV***

"Well then, amuse me", I heard Ajax say as I charged at full speed towards him.

I rushed in and made it seem like I was going in on the left. I made sure my eyes were focused on his right side to make it more believable. After many battles, I had learnt that it is important to follow your opponent's eyes as they could give you a hint to what the future holds. I hoped he would fall for my distraction as, at the last minute, as ducked out of the way from his dagger and spun outwards, extending my leg, hoping to catch him in the back of his knee, which would make him topple. That's what I was aiming to do, at least, but he saw my plan and jumped at the last minute.

Not to worry, I can go in again. With my speed, I have him. Before he could regain his balance, I bounced up off the floor, using my head as a ramming device. I managed to catch his chin, but I wasn't quite prepared for how much a headbutt can hurt. My concentration broke. Ajax took this time to steady himself and regain his balance.

I need to win; I need to find out why the Rooster has been following us, watching us. Messing with our lives, not just for me but for Ajax too.

Ajax wiped the blood from his mouth; he was smiling. "Thought you disapproved of cheap tricks Y/N?".

No time to think or reply rushed in again. He blocked most of my attacks, He was fast, but I was quicker. As soon as I finished an attack, I was onto the next move. I could not give him any time to attack; a wound this early on could leave me at a huge disadvantage.

You may be thinking, why not just use our visions? Harness the power we had been bestowed. Whoever used relied upon their vision first was admitting to having been pushed into a corner. Neither of us wanted that; plus, our water visions against each other wouldn't be too effective. The blades were each about the same length. I highly doubt either of us would benefit from it if we both got our visions out.

In the time that I hesitated, Ajax swung his dagger at me. I stumbled back, landing on the floor.

"A surrender is a valid option; I promise I'll be gentle", his voice hummed as he closed the gap between us

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"A surrender is a valid option; I promise I'll be gentle", his voice hummed as he closed the gap between us.

"A surrender is a valid option; I promise I'll be gentle", his voice hummed as he closed the gap between us

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now