Chapter 51: Delusional Forms Clash

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***Y/N POV***

I felt a new power course throughout my entire body, pulsing through my veins. Something didn't seem precisely human about it, but I suppose we were borrowing the power from the fallen gods; I could feel the strain it had on my body.

I held my sword tightly and waited for Ajax to transform. First, his right arm flew out, and a black armour encased his arm; in a way, it reminded me of a vicious dragon. Then his left arm underwent the same transformation.
Sharp claws formed around his fingertips, with sharp edges appearing out of all edges of his body.

His collar stretched out over the armour before purple fur emerged, which stood on end from all the energy from the Electro power zapping through his outfit. From the fur came a large purple abyssal cape, sparkling like different creatures of the night.

His body enlarged with power whilst his hair flew back from the sheer presence of the might coursing throughout his body. Finally, the red mask on the side of his head changed shape and shifted in front of his face. A blue orb appeared in the middle.

 A blue orb appeared in the middle

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Hehe... this was going to be fun; I sensed our comrades stepped back in fear. This was a fight they didn't want to get involved in. In fact, I think one just pretended to collapse to be out of the battle. But I couldn't have them interrupting this, so taking a deep breath, I concentrated all my power into creating a mist, reacting both my elements together. It spread over the battlefield like morning dew, infiltrating every nook and cranny. I didn't have time to fully cover the area, and I couldn't allow it to affect my breathing. Passive Talent 3 [Delusional Form Active - Upgraded]. The mist covered the bottom of the battlefield, making it seem like we were all walking in the sky, on clouds even.

I could feel everyone's movements, knowing who they were and even feel their intentions to their life force and the blood pulsing through their veins. Then like a flash, I ran in an organised pattern, crisscrossing, dancing back and forth, taking out the remaining members in one hit of my blade, fast and accurate, gliding across the mist, I was able to reach inhuman speed without using my ultimate skill. Passive Talent 1 [Delusional Form Active - Upgraded - Only Applicable to Y/N].

A feeling of joy spread over me, just like when I was dancing with Ajax, combined with the sense of pleasure and satisfaction like I was feeding the desire of the previous god who held these powers. The need for revenge combined with the desire to burn through all. The more I fuelled its passion, the more power I gained. Passive Talent 2 [Delusion Form Active - Upgraded.

I returned to my original position, and all of Ajax's remaining comrades fell in sync. I hadn't noticed it before, but he had a healer in the back. If I had seen him earlier, I would have taken him out immediately, but only in my delusion form could I sense who everyone was.

Ajax's form was fully complete, and he held an Electro-infused Hydro spear.

Ajax's form was fully complete, and he held an Electro-infused Hydro spear

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now