Chapter 39: Letter of Acceptance

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***Y/N POV***

It had been a few hours since we had seen the Jester, and I still had a few questions. Even though I agree with their end goal, I don't approve of some of their ways of handling it.

So, I left to go and see the Rooster to ask him some questions. I hoped he would be in his room. But whilst walking there, I managed to bump into him.

"Why, hello Y/N, I heard you talked with Pierro this morning. Apologies for not explaining our purpose sooner, but I couldn't risk informing someone he didn't approve of or trust." The Rooster explained.

"I understand. But I want to talk to you about the methods you use to meet this goal..." I said, talking to him more like a fellow comrade than a senior officer. "I don't like how you forced us here; you didn't have to be so sneaky. You basically blackmailed us into the fatui and held Ajax family hostage; it troubled and affected multiple people."

Pulcinella signed and looked across at me. "You realise I have a lot of other work to do; I couldn't focus all my attention on some potential trainees no matter how much they piqued my interest. It was the most efficient way, and you must know that."

"But still, you could have tried to win us over..." I try to explain.

"Well, it's not exactly like I could explain our goal to some random people." He put his hand up to his face like he was getting a headache. "Do you see a little family problem and disturbance equal to the fate of the world and the lives of potentially everyone in it?".

I suppose he had a point. "But..." I stuttered

He looked like he was starting to get irritated at me. "Sometimes small sacrifices are needed for the greater cause. The sooner you realise this, the better. We cannot waste any time in progressing forward" He turned around and started to walk off. "If you cannot sacrifice the smallest things, then I suggest you think carefully about becoming a harbinger and pledging your alliance to her Majesty, as ultimate, you need to be prepared to put down your life for our cause ". He walks off.

I understand what he is saying, but still. What other way could he have done it? Was there a more efficient and nicer way? I tried to rack my brain but struggled to come up with anything. I suppose he did compensate Ajax's family and made sure they were okay in the end.

I didn't for us to get on his bad side; after all, he was the one who had helped us the most out of all the harbingers, so I bowed as he walked away. It didn't sit well with me, but I understood. "Sorry for questioning your methods, Sir".

He clearly hears me and puts his hand up to acknowledge my apology.

Suddenly a senior officer runs up to him, bowing "Lord, an issue that requires your immediate attention has arisen regarding the Liyue Qixing, Ninth Company and the Chasm."

The Rooster walks off to sort out this issue. So I suppose he is in charge of some operation regarding the Chasm in Lique; the Fatui does have business all over Teyvet.

I continue walking and heard noises coming from outside. I go to investigate and see Ajax fighting Signora.

"Y/N was able to stand her ground against you, so I want to see if I can do better!" I heard Ajax shout as he charged in.

La Signora's flames scorched the battlefield.

La Signora's flames scorched the battlefield

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