Chapter 32: Lead up to the Banquet

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***Your POV***

The next few weeks went rather quickly. It took a full two weeks until we were released from the hospital. Still, due to our 'reckless' behaviour at the graduation ceremony, the doctor insisted we stay close by so he could do checks every other day and so we also didn't have the chance to go and get further injured, so we stayed in the cabin for most of it and went on walks to build up our strength again.

During this time, most cadets who had graduated went home, whilst others who had failed initially. The training course repeated itself two more times until most people had passed or had given up. Pickle redid the Battle Royale and managed to place in the top 25%, so he too would be able to pick where he wanted to go in the Fatui.

They released the new graduates out into the Fatui in batches. Our batch was set to be released on the 10th of July. That's also why many people went home to be with their families one last time before they moved away more permanently, also to discuss what they thought the best option was for them.

On that note, we had to decide where we wanted to go. Most people would go where they were needed and work their way up. The central group comprised soldiers who stay in Snezhnaya; I suspect the ones I sometimes saw walking around our home town were in this branch, probably the safest one to go in. Then there were the support functions; this included people like the doctors, nurses, instructors etc. The main divisions came under each Fatui Harbinger; each had a different purpose/objective. I also heard rumours that there were sub-branches under some of the Fatui harbinger control, but I do not know their purpose, only you don't get to choose to go in them as they are handpicked usually soldiers with lots of experience. I had found this out by reading some books in my spare time and listening to rumours.

Eventually, I told Ajax about the invitation. I said I had been given it by an instructor who had watched our fight and thought we had potential. So wanted us to meet some higher-ups, and the Fatui Banquet would be the perfect place for such interactions. I still didn't want him to know about the Rooster, I would tell him eventually, but I don't think he was ready to hear it just yet. I wanted him to decide what he wanted to do in his life and whose side he was on without being swayed by money, medicine or family. No matter how precious his family was to me, Ajax was the one I cared for the most, and he took first priority. Call it selfish, but it's what I choose to do. He only had one life, and it was only fair for him to have the freedom to live his life how he wanted. Maybe that's just my way of thinking because I'm from Mondstadt, the City of Freedom.

He happily agreed to go. He believed it would be interesting to go to the Palace and see how the higher-up live. And he was right. It would be a very interesting night, just not necessarily how he imagined.

Although we were not allowed to leave the grounds, we were moved into nicer accommodation to make way for the newest cadets. It was a two-bedroom flat near the hospital, designed for outpatients. Ajax's parents came to see us. They were extremely worried when they first found out we got injured and rang up straight after hearing the news soon after the graduation ceremony. Everyone wanted to come and see us, but Ajax requested that it was only his parents as he didn't want his Siblings to see him injured. It was clear he didn't want their opinion of him to waver.

So on the 3rd of July, they did just that. The dad seemed to be doing a lot better. The stresses of money had also been lifted since his son and 'daughter' had enrolled in the Fatui and graduated on their first attempt; their family reputation had also increased a little. But he still suffered from migraines, and you could tell that Periboea was quite tired from having to do most of the work around the house and bring in money, but she always kept a smiley face on around us. I felt sorry for her; it must have been exhausting. I wanted to help her more in the future. She had been nothing but kind to me since I was brought to this land.

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