Chapter 10: Learning your Abilities

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***Your POV***

I got back into training once I felt better. I could see that Ajax had improved massively. He looked so majestic yet satisfyingly chaotic when I saw him fight. It was clear he was trying to be more precise.

Skirk spent most of her time helping me as she had recently had a lot of 1:1 time helping Ajax.

I had a super-fast attack with high power, but I found out that I soon became tired, and the longer I fought with my blades were out my defence started to drop, but I could keep going as long as I wanted. But that would make me vulnerable to oncoming attacks. So, it was best to keep my ability down to short bursts where I could, as I needed time to recover afterwards.

She taught me how to use my momentum and velocity to my advantage in a fight. Instead of slashing, stop, slashing, which she insisted was ineffective. She advised that I spun around as fast as possible (a bit like a hydro abyss herald). I was (left/right) handed, so by spinning (anti-clockwise/clockwise), my dominant hand would hit a target first, dealing a large amount of damage then following up quickly with my other hand, which dealt about 2/3rd of the damage.

Hilichurl and abyss mages were now easy to defeat. I remember back to a month ago when my friends and I thought it was a huge accomplishment to defeat one Hilichurl, but now we could beat multiple without even breaking a sweat.

Over the next few weeks, we perfected these skills. Then she went on to teach us what she referred to as 'Bursts'. There were significant damaged attacks that we could use every now and then.

Ajax learnt how to create a water spear with his water; it took a bit more energy as it was highly condensed water, which he used to hit all enemies near him powerfully. He called this move Havoc: Obliteration.

She taught me how to round up multiple enemies by pulling them in when spinning around them using water blades; this created a water tornado. It appeared this move could energise well with other elements, as whenever I did it I would collect whatever was in the surrounding area (like rocks) and bring them into the tornado. Creating the tornado caused me to rise up. When I sensed the tornado was about to break and lose form, I would plunge down the middle with my sword dealing Physical Damage, giving a final hit to all enemies, usually knocking them back. This would automatically end my water blade state.

We work on our bursts for several weeks. We have improved heaps and bounds since starting. That was all thanks to Skirk and her battle experience. She had taught us many new skills and talents. Just thinking of them all blew my mind.

***Y/N L/N as a Genshin Character***

•❅──✧❅【Personal Information】❅✧──❅•
Hair Colour: H/C
Eye Colour: E/C
Rarity: 5★
Age: Teenager (14)
Nation: Mondstadt
Affiliation: Unknown at this time

Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Sword

Skill - Dancing Blades: Y/N produces two blades, attacking enemies with Hydro Damage at high speeds. Whilst in this stance her defence drops 10 points her second.

Burst - Turmoil Turret: (Only applicable whilst using Dancing Blades) Creates a water tornado pulling enemies in, dealing damage ever 0.25 secs, this damage is scaled off Y/N Hydro Damage. After 5 seconds Y/N then plunged, hitting and knocking all enemies with physical damage. Using this Burst ends Skill - Dancing Blades.

•❅──✧❅【Passive Talents】❅✧──❅•
Passive Talent 1: If Y/N is using Skill - Dancing Blades, then characters within a certain field have their Normal Attack SPD increased by 8% and CRIT RATE increases by 4%. [Unlock after Ascension Phase 1 - Unlocked]

Passive Talent 2:  For every 5 seconds Y/N is using Dancing Blades, then Turmoil Turret get an attack increase of 10%, If Turmoil Turret is not used before Y/N ends Dancing Blades then this effect is cancelled [Unlock after Ascension Phase 4 - Locked]

Passive Talent 3: Y/N is able to detect and alert the user if there is an enemy (hidden or not) within a 20 meter range.

****Continuing Story****

It must have been near 3 months that we had been in the Abyss. I had started to wonder if we would ever get out.

Ajax and I had gained a lot of confidence. It was crazy how both of us had grown in this time. We had really honed our bodies to be a weapon, if I went back to my old friends, they would probably not recognise me and be scared.

It came that time of day again when Skirk left, and of course, we hadn't learnt our lesson from last time. We tried to follow her most days but wound-up losing sight of her. This time we tried again, and we were determined that it would be different.

And it was...

***End of chapter***

Sorry a slightly shorter one this time and it wasn't really much of a story, more focused around your skills. The next chapter will focus on a story/event that happens I promise!

What do you think of your abilities? Do you think you are worthy of being a 5 star character and would you pull for yourself?

What abilities would youi have given yourself if you could have chosen? I would love to know,

I would love to know your opinion. I'm also looking for a speciality dish to add! Focused around the materials from Shenzyana (slightly spoiler sorry!). So I would love to know some suggestions, I might include it in a later chapter! :)

What sword do do think would work well with Y/N. She's a DPS/Sub DPS who very good at crowd control, damaging a lot of enemies at once, Focusing on speed and attack.

Looking forward to her from you all!

(If you ever see the username Moota in Genshin say Hi!)

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