Chapter 35: The Long Ride Home

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Trigger warning: This chapter has moments where the character feels very anxious and has a bit of a panic attack. If sensitive to this please skip the last section where I have marked Y/N POV in bold.

***Y/N POV***

The spotlight hit us, drawing everyone's attention to where we were sitting. I heard everyone whisper around us:

"They're way too young?"

"Have they even passed training?"

"Who are they?"

"The Fatui can't be wanting them to be harbingers."

The Jester, the Doctor, and the young lady were staring right at us. It made me feel as if I was trapped in prison inside my body; I couldn't move. The pressure and anxiety were really getting to me; what do I do?

I looked over at Ajax. His face widened with shock; I don't blame him. I felt the same. Luckily, we didn't have a microphone, so we couldn't have been expected to say much, if anything at all. Ajax must have somehow noticed my hand was trembling. He grabbed it and stood up beside me. Then proceeded to bow to everyone, and I followed his lead.

After what felt like an eternity, it was probably like 20 seconds or so. The spotlight returned to the stage, and the Rooster stood beside Dottore.

"After witnessing the tremendous power and skill these two have shown in recent battles and the resolve and loyalty each possesses, I believe that the Fatui would benefit greatly from having them join us as Harbingers. So I, the 5th Harbinger Nominate Ajax and Y/N." He hands the microphone back to the Jester.

"Of course, their resolve will be tested, and necessary procedures will be followed, but please, would you all give a round of applause to Ajax and Y/N."

The room went silent, no one knew what to do, and I wouldn't blame them. We were just some teenagers, nearly the youngest here except for some noble's children and a weird looking teen with a big hat on.

After a while, the Rooster started to clap, and eventually, everyone followed suit.

I felt Ajax grip my hand tightly as I felt him staring at me. After the clapping stopped, he leaned in and whispered to me, "So an officer invited us, huh? I think you have some explaining to do". He remained calm in the public eye, but I could tell he was angry inside.

I gulped; it felt like I was being attacked by both sides; not only did the Fatui want me, Ajax seemed angry because I lied to him. But I can't blame him. What I did was wrong.

Everyone started to leave after a while. You could tell people avoided coming near us, unsure what we were capable of. A few people came and congratulated us; Ajax bowed and thanked them, acting perfectly normal. I just stayed perfectly still, muttering, "I'm sorry.." repeatedly.

Ajax pushed the pile of sweets he had collected for me over rather aggressively. "Here, I wouldn't want their Nutritional value to go to waste, even if it's not much".

I felt sick as it was before eating loads of sweets. My stomach felt like it was in my throat tidy in a knot. There was no way I could stomach them.

Eventually, the escort that led us in came to us with Ajax's mask and my jacket "Sir, Ma'am. This way if you please". He says, indicating towards the exit. Ajax walked, and I followed behind. As we got near the front gates to the palace, the escort explained what would happen next "Someone will be in touch with you soon. Please do not worry yourself about choosing where you want to be placed in the Fatui as all will be arranged and sorted in due time. Your carriage awaits".

He walks us up to the doors of our private carriage. I sat in the far corner and looked out the window; I couldn't face looking at Ajax. I felt the plush leather seats and just wanted them to swallow me whole and take me away. Anywhere, just not here. I think I would even settle for the Abyss.

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