Chapter 29: A Special Visitor

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***Y/N POV***

I felt this horrible feeling in my nose; it hurt, and I was very sore. I tried to move my face to get rid of whatever it was, but it didn't fall off. I opened my eyes to try and see what was going on.

I saw bright lights everywhere, and the walls around me were fairly light, which reflected the white light. This hurt my eyes. Slowly I looked beside me and saw a tube leading to my face. I panicked and moved my arms to yank it out, which hurt a little; my body seemed very achy. I was not too fond of the idea of something sticking up my nose or any part of my body for that matter. the plastic tube clattered to the floor.

"Morning, sleepyhead", I hear a familiar voice near me. Slowly I started to remember everything that happened. I try to sit up to address him, but that's when a sharp stabbing pain in my chest hit me. "Argh!"

"Woah, steady on there. Keep still, or the pain will just get worse. It's not nice. I know the feeling" I glance to my left. Ajax was sitting up on a bed next to me in what looked to be a hospital gown. He had a huge bandage around his chest area and a smaller one around his head.

 He had a huge bandage around his chest area and a smaller one around his head

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"What happened?" I tried to mutter, taking a deep breath. As soon as my lungs expanded, they started to hurt.

Ajax noticed and explained, "I don't remember myself fully. Everything went hazy during the fight. One minute I believe you were standing there; the next, I had been hit." He stopped for a moment to breathe, and it seemed he was taking short, shallow breaths. "It's strange. Doctors say we both have broken ribs on our left side, like the wounds are almost, if not identical. So when I say I know the feeling, I really do. Try not to move too much, and don't tear out the oxygen tube. It will help you".

A nurse came over and reattached it, to my dismay, It felt horrible, but I struggled to take deep breaths as my rib felt like it was about to pierce into my lungs, So I can't deny it helped me.

"I'm sorry, I think this is all my fault. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way" I signed to the best of my ability trying to avoid any movement in my chest area.

Ajax laughed a little before grimacing in pain. "So you purposely broke your own rib?"

"No, I..." I could tell Ajax was trying to bring some humour to the situation, but what happened can't be ignored.

"We sparred. You won fair and square. Granted, we BOTH might have pushed it a bit fair, But I think you know as much as I do that we weren't the ones fully in control..." He trails off for a bit before continuing, "Anyway, I should have dodged or blocked better, you were just giving it your all, and I wouldn't want it any other way". Ajax coughed a bit, grabbing his chest with his hand in the process.

No matter how he wanted to put it or say it, it was my fault he was in so much pain. I felt my eyes starting to tear up. How could I live any longer knowing that I had hurt him so much. I lost control; I couldn't be trusted. How will anyone ever trust me? I'm just like Cara... No, in fact, I'm worse.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now