Caged Bird

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[A/N: Xiao continues the tale leading up to his kidnapping. He tells of the day his world went to hell, his happy days gone....]

A/N Edit: Combined Caged Bird and Savin' me for this chapter.





Alatus could only stare in sheer horror up at the man and woman in blue Liyue robes with reptilian eyes. The man had his mask in hand as his tribe watched in horror. His body was no longer in control nor would it listen to Alatus's will. "S-Stop! Please I beg you stop!"he pleaded. He felt scared and so frightened and dismayed as he felt his hand reach out for a spear of crystal. Much of his tribe lay either dead, broken, or badly hurt.

"Alatus stop it!"cried Morius.

"I-I can't!"whimpered Alatus desperately trying to fight against it. But to no avail as his tormentor tightened his grip on the mask.

"Alatus, be a good little pet. I gave you an order, now do it!"stated Osial in a sickeningly sweet voice. The shivers turned into painful spasms the more he struggled. Tears flowed as he looked at them. All the ones he cared about...he didn't want their blood on his hands. His tribemates braced themselves for the worst case scenario.


That had surprised them all but a delighted giggle escaped Beisht and a grin on her mate's face. But horror filled the eyes of the yakshas particularly Indarias, Bonanus, and Bosacius that were still conscious. Forced to watch in horror as the two hydro gods took him away like a dog being dragged away on a rope. His eyes terrified as he glanced over with pleading eyes.

"A-Alatus...AAALLLAAAATTTTUUUSSSS!!!!!!!!!!"came Indarias's scream of desperation and fear.

Xiao had suddenly stopped by now he was trembling and Lumine could feel his rising panic and feel his heart pounding in his chest

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Xiao had suddenly stopped by now he was trembling and Lumine could feel his rising panic and feel his heart pounding in his chest. His gaze was wild and dark as he was now clutching his head from the memories he was reaching for. He seemed to be struggling to breath as his breaths began to become erratic. "Oh no, is he having another panic attack?"Lumine thought in dismay. Quickly she turned around to hold him close in her arms, feeling him shaking terribly at what he was recalling.

"Xiao, breath! You need to breath!"she urged. She was not expecting him to react like this from just telling his story from his past, her fairy companion in equal panic at the sight. "Focus on me and breath."she soothed. She wasn't sure how but her voice had reached him as she could hear him mumbling, "I'm safe, I'm free." over and over again. But it secretly made her angry all over again at Beisht and Osial, it felt all the more satisfying too knowing she had dropped house on that hydra's heads. Then later beat Beisht black and blue with him and Shenhe just last month.

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