I Am Lord Of The Lost

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A/N: Sumeru Saga concludes here but not "Edge of Dawn" guys, we still have one last arc before I leave for vacation. Nahida goes and pays a visit to Xiaolumi as the rainy season starts; Aether meanwhile is summoned by the leader of the Abyss. Enjoy the song for this chapter as we see how Aether's doing.

Lumine's Progress: Bit of a time skip here. Lumine is now in her 22nd week(6 months; Aug 31 - Sep 6, 2022) and her baby bump is now fully developed. The twins are even starting to move and kick. Xiao only leaves in order to train, patrol, or hunt and has become extra snuggly. 

Twisting, turning through the never
I am all, I am forever
Yield to the Lord of the Lost!!
Antimatter, my foes scatter
In this world, my word is law!
Fall to the Void's beckoning maw!!

~"Giratina's Theme" fan lyrics by Legendary Bytes.


My how time had flown by, so much had happened since they had freed Nahida. Xiao and Paimon learning about her cousin, Deshret with an ignorant scholar and some good natured Deshretian mercenaries, helping an old scholar with his research, discovering the tunnel network that Collei had used to escape the hospital, Xiao helping Nahida with a dream incident, trying keep Alhatiham and Kaveh ripping each other apart, and some small things here and there. Before they knew it the rainy season had arrived and it was now early September.

The heavy, pitter patter serenade of the falling rain crashing against their tent was but a soothing lullaby. Bringing crisp and clean cool autumn air with it. With the colder weather the rains brought, Lumine found herself snuggling more readily into the plush quilts and furs. A ripple of a shiver went up her spine that early morning alerting her as she heard Paimon's amazed and startled shouts. "Did he just come back from hunting?"she thought sleepily rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Yawning as she stretched her limbs as she slowly sat up still in just her under garments.

"Hermes, can you grab my slippers?"mumbled lumine before yawning again. The little seelie popping out from its container with a happy chirp. Eagerly like an excited puppy the seelie went over and grabbed the Natlanian style plush slippers by his mistress's feet before vanishing. By this point her belly had rounded out nicely and Tighnari had said yesterday the babies were developing smoothly. The fox lycan didn't think she'd be growing any larger than she was now. At the rate she was at the earliest she could deliver, it would be December if she didn't deliver on her suspected due date. But boy did this extra weight do a number on her back...but she still made a point to have Xiao let her just spend time at Port Ormos or help Tighnari at the greenhouse in the gardens with very light work.

Usually it was him agreeing to leave her with Tighnari or Candace. Cyno and Alhaitham were still super swamped fixing the bullshit mess Azar created and left them. And Dehya was still away on her job that took her pretty far away. If Lumine recalled Dehya's job was a very dangerous one, helping an adventurer investigate something. Was it the mysterious sand twister Xiao had told her about last month? It seemed possible. But she supposed she should get up and stop being a lazy bones. Even though she was still a bit sore from the other night's activities. "Man the harvest moon really did affect him and it's affecting me."she thought slowly getting up and grabbing her nightgown and slipping it on. Then grabbed her favorite housecoat Paimon had been kind enough to grab from out of the teapot. Putting it over her shoulders she stepped outside to see the usual banter between Xiao and Paimon.

"Lumine Xiao says he's going to make stew, Paimon's tired of stew!"huffed Paimon in protest as she flew over at spotting her.

"Paimon, it's not stew, it's curry. I asked Xiao last night if he could make some curried shrimp and rice for breakfast. You should know by now curry is a staple of Sumerian cuisine and I'm craving shrimp terribly."chuckled Lumine. Paimon pouted in defeat as for six full months the fairy had to listen to every whim of her friend right down to her sometimes bizarre food cravings.

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