Ratatoskr's Wisdom

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A/N: Xiao and Nahida arrive at the Sumeru Irminsul Tree. There they meet the dendro archon's memories, where she reveals some shocking and tragic truths; Ruk-chan apologizes for not being able to protect Xiao and his people. Hope you enjoy the song from Ruk-chan to Nahida and Alatus.


Xiao and Paimon could not believe their eyes as they stared between their Nahida and the next one. They were literally seeing double, only one looked like she was in her late teens and their Nahida appeared no older than a twelve year old human. Both their jaws were practically on the floor as Rukkhadevata giggled and went over to them slowly getting to her feet. Offering a smile as she spoke, "What you are witnessing is but a collection of memories as they were five hundred years ago. Irminsul and the surrounding area have been reproduced to look just as they did back then all those centuries ago in this realm of consciousness. We're but mere manifestations of the memories of the world, recorded by the Tree of Knowledge. Hence why we appear as we do."

"Wait...We're the same? Why?"wondered Nahida.

"Because dear, you are me and I am you. You are me in my next life of the samsara."explained Rukkhadevata as she went over to take her hand.

"I-it really is you though Lady Buer?"stuttered Xiao as he took a nervous step forward. "The one I knew, the one that found me abandoned as an infant at the Tree of Dreams?"he hesitated to reach out. Scared to reach out and touch her hand. Rukkhadeveta gave a warm smile and nodded.

"Yes and no, Alatus. The one you knew sadly sacrificed her power and became me. I am the second in the samsara. However I retained much of my memories from the archon war."Rukkhadevata informed making Xiao turn crestfallen. The first dendro archon gained a look of empathy and remorse of a mother as she went over to him. Taking her hands to hold his head with care to lock his golden eyes with her own green ones. "Oh, Alatus...you suffered so much because I failed. I failed to catch the fiend that was targeting you. I failed to protect your tribe from the pestilence the forbidden knowledge caused. I failed as the Daughter of Gaia."

Xiao couldn't contain it anymore as he let his tears flow freely. Here were the words he was yearning for confirmation for all these centuries. But he thought would never get a chance after hearing she had perished in the Cataclysm. "You must understand I sent your tribe to Morax in hopes he could help and protect you. My precious golden yaksha, you were far too important to lose....I-I was also struggling with losing so many loved ones I couldn't lose you. And yet...my mistake cost you severely."whispered the former archon as she held him close in a tight embrace. That had done it as he clung to her and just let himself cry. 

Rukkhedevata with soft tears of her own holding him close like a mother would her son. Alatus had grown into a fine young man. But Golden Yaksha and Yakshinis like themselves...they were always hardy and destined for great things. Their minds are far more sturdy than the rest of their race. She had seen the memories Irminsul recorded of Alatus. But now his connection had been severed, being tied to the mother tree itself. "You've gone through so much hardship but look at you now, Alatus...my sweet little Bird of Ishtar not a cub anymore. You've ascended into divinity, like fine pottery placed in a kiln you've been crafted by the sands of time so that you may stand at the Creator's side.I'm so proud of you my little dove."

"Lady Buer Ratatoskr..."sobbed Xiao as he felt her wipe away his tears.

"Be strong. You have the heart of a yaksha chieftain, and the soul of a mighty roc. You will do just fine, nothing to keep you from spreading your wings beyond even the heavens."assured Rukkhadevata.

"...I forgive you."he whispered, earning a smile from the girls.

"What about me being the new you in the samsara?"Nahida questioned, finally speaking up. She had not wanted to interrupt such an important reunion for Xiao nor get in the way of the healing closure he needed with Rukkhadevata. The older Nahida gave Xiao a soft pat on his head before going over to her.

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