Live Without Regrets

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A/N: Xiaolumi find the host to the dream, even in Lumine's tears. Things finally look to be returning to normal, much to everyone's relief...or is it? Also Nilou is precious lil bean sprout and must be protected, ok~! Now I'm going go cry and scream cause Hoyo played with my heart strings, dang it!!

Again I suck at writing dance scenes(oof) so enjoy a video clip instead for Nilou's dance below.

Contains scenes of/implied death, abuse of authority, and emotional damages.


How many times have they repeated this damn dream samsara now!? Lumine was losing track. But there were a few things she had quickly concluded: The Akademiya's great sages were behind this. The other thing Nahida had described herself as being the moon and her children and husband were the wolves. Which left the lies and that one a bit trickier to figure out. But the longer this took the more it was hurting tiny Vesperus as by now Solis had fallen into a deep slumber induced by Nahida. But for some reason her son was immune to Nahida's powers. However this in turn was hurting the tiny new yet ancient soul of their son. Along the way of solving this Lumine learned Dunyarzad had the same illness as Collei but it had progressed a lot more than Collei's had.

Lumine had tried to prove it again to Dehya this day and was stuck on repeat but that had failed. But Dehya had revealed something very interesting: Her body's muscle memory had grown familiar with her new greatsword. Yet her memories like everyone was scrambled Xiao had noted. They had lost track of how many times Nahida had scrambled Paimon's brain with her comparisons and analogies to explain these events. The tired amused giggles as Vesperus kept calling Paimon a squeaky toy was even more amusing. And then Lumine and Xiao were reminded of just how young this archon was!! Xiao having a deadpan expression, Paimon gawking, and Lumine facepalmed while Vesperus's confused whine echoed around them. Then came the beep and Vesperus's furious snarls and the frightened cries of the sages. But that one voice mixed in with it....made Lumine blood run cold as everything was swallowed up into darkness. They tried on the next round to leave the city, only for Lumine on the next round to loose a chunk of her memories despite how desperately Bakari had tried to keep them in one piece.

Lumine was in shock at being tackled and hugged by Paimon as Xiao offered her the knowledge capsule. Then she knew why. "This is only one of many dreams....but whose dream are we in right now!?"Lumine wondered in dismay.

"...Scared, too many. Bad thing, bad humans...hurting mama...hurt sister sun. Hurt good humans..."came Bakari's echoing whimper. Did he sound even weaker? Lumine was even more worried now.

"Oh no, Vespy, sweetie don't be scared. I'm alright and daddy's here with mommy we'll get out of this."Lumine soothed.

"Your mother and sister will be fine, so will the good humans. But your energy is beyond spent. You can't keep this up."Xiao stated as he walked over to Lumine and placed his hand on her belly as it began to glow. "Now be a good boy and sleep."They could feel Vesperus struggle against it but he was just far, far too weak to resist the call of a yaksha king, let alone his own father. The order of the alpha father was absolute as Xiao managed to do what Nahida had failed: force Bakari into a state of slumber until this ends. All traces of the tiny unborn moon god vanished like the fading mist as sleep claimed his tiny soul.

"What did you do?"gaped Paimon.

"Alatus simply did what I did but the only difference is Bakari could resist me due to his abilities. Yakshas can't ignore the call of their king; it goes against every fiber of their instinct. It's like how a pack of wolves answer only to their alphas and nobody else or a bee hive only listens to their queen."Nahida explained as she walked over to the nightstand beside Dunyarzad beginning to dig through the drawer for something.

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