Don't You Fret, My Dear

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A/N[October 18/2022]: "Spirit Wolf Festival" has been renamed the "Wag Festival"

A/N: After escaping to the Caravan Ridbit as day rages on, Xiaolumi have a reunion with Alhaitham.

Run, run, run away
Buy yourself another day
A cold wind's whispering secrets in your ear
So low only you can hear
Run, run, run and hide
Somewhere no one else can find

~"Kingdom Come" by Civil Wars


Running into Alhaitham had been both unexpected but somehow a blessing in disguise for the trio. The young scribe was swift to get them to safety and at this minute was speaking with Xiao. But right now Lumine paid no attention all that much to their conversation as she leaned against the crates, her head pounding. They had been on the run all night and now the scorching heat of the mid summer sun bombarding them from on high was an enemy to the blonde's tired eyes. She was horribly out of breath and the adrenaline coursing through her body was the only thing keeping her going right now. She had not slept or eaten anything but they were far from out of danger and wouldn't be safe until beyond the wall of protruding stone.

Xiao though was growing worried at the state he was seeing Lumine in right now. By dawn tomorrow she would be in her second trimester—he knew this far too well. She had been forced to overexert herself. But at least right now Alhaitham was an ally not an enemy as the dendro allogene ran a quick scan over Lumine's vitals.

"How is she?"he whispered once he and Paimon were pulled the scholar.

"Paimon's worried too. She was forced to run and defend herself a lot just to get here."whimpered the fairy nervously glancing over at their blonde companion.

"For the most part she is running purely on adrenaline and her body's instinctively in a state of flight or fight. Her heart is racing far too fast for my liking for somebody in her condition. But once she has somewhere safe to rest she'll be fine."Alhaitham informed softly and bluntly. However he was concerned for all this stress and physical overexertion was putting her at increased risk of miscarriage at the worst case scenario. 

"Al...Alhaitham?"came Lumine's strained rasp as she went over. Catching their attention as the stoic man turned his full attention onto the young blonde traveler. Her husband and partner swift to keep the careful eyes of a hawk on her. "Did you the big project...?"Lumine tried to ask but was struggling to string together a sentence. Her hand nursing her throbbing head as shadows hung under her eyes.

"You should be prioritizing your own welfare right now, your only still conscious and standing due to al lthat adrenaline in your system."rebuked Alhaitham crossing his arms. "But to answer your question, I have no interest in running errands for the Akademiya for that project. As a scholar, I've always belonged to the camp that promotes researcher autonomy. Not to mention Xiao's actions of severing his race's ties to Sumeru caused quite the upset."

"You did WHAT!?"yelped Paimon only to get bonked over the head by Lumine, Xiao, and even Alhaitham. "Oooowww!!! Why does everyone do that to Paimon in this nation?"

"Because you don't think before speaking."hissed Xiao. "Even the Aranara, in all their childish splendor, know better."

"What you just did was not logical since those Ermites are still after you three."agreed Alhaitham as the silver haired fairy pouted. Alhaitham turned his teal eyes onto the exhausted traveler. "Anyways these days, you Mrs. Lumine and Yaksha King are far more interesting than anything the sages and Azar can offer."

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