Deity of Dendro

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A/N(October 1st): Once again fixes are made due to important reveals from Sumeru Archon Quest.

A/N(July 2022): Had to make some edits to Dendro Archon for plot reasons.

A/N: Xiao's tale continues as his tribe suddenly receive a visitor from their archon after several incidents has resulted with many yakshas ending up dead or missing. But I hope you enjoy the song for 1st Dendro.


"Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up! You're telling Paimon that many yakshas were going missing and your tribe were partying!?"snapped Paimon gaping at the tale.

"Paimon you're interrupting again."whimpered Lumine. Paimon instantly flinched at seeing Lumine on the verge of tears despite how angry she looked at her. Xiao not looking too pleased as he sighed. He could feel Lumine's emotions during it all, how it bounced around more than an electro seelie on a sugar high.

"Are you going to let me continue? I'm not going to start at the beginning again."Xiao stated bluntly.

"He he heh...Paimon will shut up now."stuttered Paimon.

"Go on Xiao, I want to hear more."Lumine urged, snuggling up a bit more into him under the blanket. Another flash of lighting made her flinch as a result. Xiao turned his gaze outside as the branches of three went clunk clank against the window as the winds outside howled. "A few days passed afterwards. My tribe were getting ready to go back on the move again and I had just received my mask. At the time, I admit that I never understood why everyone told me to protect this mask and never let anybody touch it. However, I was not expecting the events that transpired next...Nobody was..."

Laughter and boisterous cheer filled the clearing as the large bonfire crackled and burned like a towering pillar of fire

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Laughter and boisterous cheer filled the clearing as the large bonfire crackled and burned like a towering pillar of fire. Yakshas, their masks dawned happily dancing in her joy as others indulge in the wine and the wide range of food before them. Bosacius laughing in delight, his goblet in hand as he watched Indarias and Bonanus dancing with some of the others around the fire. Their movement is fast and fierce, almost like watching the swift rise and descent of a finely toned spear.

"Bwauahahaha! Y-Your mate is one fine dancer, Menogias~!"laughed Bosacius, face slightly flushed from all the wine he had drunk that night, slinging on of his arms around the geo yaksha. The most serious one of the five of them cracking a sneer.

"Eyes off my female, or she's definitely going to smash your skull in, damn drunk tiger."sighed Menogias. "What example are you setting for the little ones that'll be making the journey for the first time?"

"A horrible one."laughed Alatus in amusement.

"So mean, even you lil' princey? So mean..."hiccupped Bosacius, glaring. Young Alatus laughed along with Pervases that sat beside him. The silver haired yaksha was from the most recent youngsters that had been born. He was more shy around others and had an older brother in Canis. "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Canis at the ceremony. Did he go with the scouts?"Alatus wondered.

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