Power of A Dreamer

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[A/N: After reuniting with Fischl and Oz, the Intelligence Officer's mirage manifests that dawn. Xiaolumi and co find a goth fairytale geek's dream world but also the truth about Fischl, as Fischl is forced to face her own inner demons. Also enjoy the song of Amy and Dark Fischl]

A/N: Fischl's Weeb Mode is so powerful she turned the divider Gothic...and broke my brain again! *gets sent off to Bubu Pharmacy* lmao O_o


"Are you awake?"

Ugh...not this again for the love of all the realms!! The blonde was not exactly what you'd call an early bird like her partner and husband was. One heck of a case of bedhead as she glared groggily at her floating celestial fairy companion. "Ugh....Morning again..?"she groaned as she stretched her stiff limbs. In a swirl of starlight Lumine brought out a brush to fix up her hair quickly before dusting some dune grass and sand off her pale powder blue and white dress. Not far away sitting on one of the palm trees was Xiao, watchful as ever. When they couldn't find Fischl and Oz they had agreed to camp out on the island they suspected the next mirage to appear on; Fischl's mirage. "What's up, Paimon, did something happen?"yawned Lumine still half asleep as she adjusted her scarf and sandals.

"Nothing happened."came Xiao's reply as he teleported over to them, startling Paimon silly yet again. A twinkle of mischief in the young predatory bird yaksha's eyes. It was becoming a habit now out of playful humor to see how Paimon reacted each time he appeared near her.

"Eek!! Stop doing that to Paimon, Xiao!"she protested.

Lumine gets a giggle out of it though as Xinyan, Kazuha, and Mona returned. "Oh you're awake then let's bring you up to speed, Lumine."greeted Xinyan.

"Morning Xinyan, Mona, and Kazuha. Still no luck finding her?"Lumine asked.

"Unfortunately no, Lumine. We searched everywhere for her and we also couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, even with Xiao's help."explained Xinyan. Lumine staring at the dark haired adeptus in disbelief.

"Wait, you really couldn't sense anything?"gaped Paimon.

"How odd."agreed Lumine as she swiftly ate some fruit for breakfast as they continued to try and make sense of the situation.

"Hm..."Xiao hummed, closing his eyes as he took his signature posturing he liked while thinking. It was odd for a human allogene to just up and vanish like that. Let alone be unable for his sharp senses to detect her. Or was whatever was going on here messing around with his own senses too? He was not sure. However something prickled at the back of his mind as something did catch his attention. "Not completely. I'm sensing something now."he swiftly informed, heading further down the beach. Curiosity peaked, they followed after the adeptus to find he had stopped. With care Lumine picked it up and dusted off the cover. "There's something on the beach!!"pointed out Paimon.

"No? You think!?"Lumine retorted in mock surprise, the group having deadpanned looks on their faces. The book itself looked like any other fantasy children's book with its scene of a castle on the indigo cover with small ravens scattered about its covers. Lumine raises her brow at the title written in clear Monstandt script. "An old children's book?"Kazuha then turned his gaze over to what had been beside it. "And what was next to it is this old raven statue?"

"This statue looks a lot like Oz."noted Paimon.

"So it does. I can see the...resemblance."agreed Xiao.

"Why would these two items appear together? Did the raven bring the book here?"wondered Mona peering over Lumine's shoulder with Xinyan and the boys.

"What's the book about? It looks almost like a diary."asked Xinyan curiously.

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