The Holy Ambrosia

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A/N: Kairos intervenes against her spiteful sister's attempt on Bakari's life; Vesperus is born very sick due to reasons unknown to Xiaolumi, leaving the new parents fearful that he won't make it through to see tomorrow. Wanting to prevent another Lunar Calamity, Nahida races to find a solution...only to discover an unlikely savior.

Also, yay finally I can reveal Lumine's mama just above here~! <3 Ain't she pretty? Also do enjoy the voice of Istaroth/Kairos/Ishtar. <3


How could this have happened?

Lumine was an emotional wreck and Xiao a distraught mess as Nahida had put them in a guest room within her palace. So many questions racing through their minds once they let Nahida take tiny Vesperus away with her with such care. A heavy tension hung in the air as Lumine got little Solis to nurse without too much problem. Their daughter had quite the appetite as she happily suckled and enjoyed her mother's warmth.

Had it been something they did during the nine months? Was it the incident in the Chasm or was it when Lumine was forced to face the void serpent's avatar alone? Was it the akasha samsara? The withering? None of them had an answer!! But there was one thought that both Lumine and Xiao shared: Did they fail their son? Would it be their fault for not being far more careful that another calamity happened!? For the first time both of them felt truly helpless as Lumine just wept, Xiao holding her close as she held their newborn daughter.

Solis looked up with worry and confusion seeing these distressed emotions across her parents' faces. She did not understand what was going on. Where was her littermate? Where was her brother that had been so quiet and still? Her young mind just did not understand. Jade colored eyes blinking as she felt the droplets of her mother's tears. "What is wrong?"she thought curiously as her mother held her closer after nursing. She could hear and feel her mother's sobbing, shaking breaths as they graduated into sorrowful, frustrated and angry cries. Who had hurt her parents so much? She didn't like it and it was making her begin to whimper.

Meanwhile in another room with aranara all around her Nahida had placed tiny Vesperus onto her bed. The little forest nymphs stay close to the deathly ill moon god doing their best to comfort him and keep the "silver child" safe as they put it. They had tried so many things and Nahida had gone through so many medical books to try and find the cause. But it was getting frustrating as she could hear the worried, jumbled thoughts of the distressed parents.

"AUGH!! This won't work either!!"shouted Nahida in frustration pushing the books and scrolls aside. Her actions startled the aranara. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

One of the aranara, an older one with a mustache shook his head in reassurance, "No it is fine. Your majesty is only worried about the silver seedling. But the problem stems from something behind Marana. Marana put rot, hurt connection to the mother tree."

Nahida's eyes grew wide at the old aranara's words but understood completely. Swiftly Nahida went over crawling onto the bed to sit beside the tiny newborn moon deity. Eyes beginning to glow she dived inside and what she found was troubling. "Somebody trying to break his connection to Yggdrasil!? Not only that his mind and soul are badly damaged."she gasped in dismay. No wonder he was fighting for his life and so deathly ill. Somebody or something really, really did not want the revival of Sonnet. But why and who could want the reincarnated moon sister dead so badly?

Several theories were bubbling in her mind. The most likely was Bakari had been already injured multiple times due to the negligence of Azar and the sages. The other was Bakari must not have completely recovered yet. But there was no time for this; she needed to find a way to save the tiny son of the newborn emperor and crown princess of House Aion. But how was the question? She had no means to do so and she dare not link him to Irminsal lest she anger Teacher. "I need some air..."she thought in a frustrated sigh. Signaling the forest nymphs to stay with Bakari as she stepped out.

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