A/N: Thank You; Q&A; Info

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This has been one of the largest projects I have ever done at close to 70 chapters and you all showering it with such love makes me smile. Season 4 of "Xiaolumi Fated Encounter: Edge of Dawn" Has been a rollercoaster ride. Never did I think I'd have so many that enjoy my stories, for that thank you. "Edge of Dawn" brought many things beyond being my biggest book so far not counting the mega book that contains all 3 of the first seasons. 

I hope you enjoy the title song of this book/season, "The Edge of Dawn" while I answers some questions for you all. I'll be covering questions regarding the twins, Xiao & Lumine, Kairos, and more. Including what to expect for the Fontaine, Natlan, and Snezhnaya Sagas. Well shall we begin?

About Doomday/Bad Ending/Erased Timeline

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About Doomday/Bad Ending/Erased Timeline

Q: What happened to Lumine during the "Doomsday Timeline" that now has been erased by "Doomsday Vesperus" getting Zhongli to save Xiao during the Bosacius Arc?

A: Sadly, "D-Day Lumine" didn't survive the labor. How the Soul Bond works is if one partner dies then the other will soon die as well. Lumine fell terminally ill until she reached a point she was so weak the labor was extremely difficult and complications happened. She died from a combination of her illness and loosing too much blood. Nahida was able to arrive to protect everyone from the very explosive supernova results. Predicting she wouldn't survive, Lumine left a will naming Zhongli as the twins' new guardian. Vesperus and Solis were thus raised by Zhongli in a very bleak and dying world loosing everything they loved. 

Q: Does the Doomsday Timeline still exist after what "D-Day Vesperus" did?

A: No. The instant Xiao was saved from Chasm by Zhongli history was rewritten. Thus this dark and terrible timeline was destroyed. So "Doomsday Vesperus" ceased to exist, smiling in knowing this version of him wouldn't suffer like he did and he had saved the parents he never got to know as well as his sister's life.


The Twin Laws' Design

Q: What type of twins are Vesperus and Solis?

A: They're fraternal twins actually, not identical. Thus why they look similar but also so different. Solis inherited more of her father's looks during the Soul Bond while Vesperus has a perfect mix of both parents. While they are yaksha desert wolves they inherited wings and some bird-like features and mannerisms from their father.

Q: Why do the twins have "bird wolves" instead of bird forms like their father?

A: Lumine's Primordial blood influenced it far more then they realized. Also the legend of Skoll and Hati greatly inspired me when I was designing the twins when creating them. I have gone through and scraped so many design ideas in the process of making their true forms until I got the ones I revealed. Other mythologies that inspired them were Egyptian, Japanese, and Greek/Roman mythologies but Norse was the strongest influence. Another thing yaksha true forms can be influenced by one or both parents' genes and their environment. But due to Xiao being born at the old Tree of Dreams, this actually affected his genes too. Another thing. yes Inuyasha and Okami did inspire me a little bit when I was creating the twins along with their strengths and weaknesses. 

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