Hatred & Despair

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A/N: Xiaolumi flee to the greenhouse where they meet Haypasia but something doesn't seem right; Nahida becomes trapped. Enjoy the song for Kunikuzushi and Ei btw~!

It took me by surprise
The hatred in his eyes
I've pushed this man as far as he could go
But he lacked the words to let me know
He acted out, now I can see it is my fault

~"Took Me By Surprise" by Maria Mena


The soft serenades of the jungles and cascading waterfall thundering in the distance. Under the midnight moon's glow was always a sight to behold here in the Pardis Dhyai hanging gardens. Under normal circumstances Lumine would have been ecstatic to be here amidst the gardens and marble stone fountains. Just taking in the sights and scenery as she strolled through it before taking a spot in the shade to maybe read one of her novels. Under normal circumstances this would have been a beautiful getaway spot to relax while Xiao hung out with Tighnari. But these were not normal circumstances...they were on the run. She was being targeted yet again by the Second Harbinger, the Tsarista's highest ranking general. Honestly she was still terrified but Lumine was tired of being a cornered scared rabbit. Now she was no rabbit, she was a cunning kitsune with fangs bared and tails swaying.

Slowly staying close to Xiao and "Katheryne" they entered the glass house of the greenhouse. They couldn't see Tighnari anywhere here but Xiao could scent him; the fox beastkin's scent was fresh so he must not be far. "I wonder where he went?"Lumine wondered. But what left her still embarrassed was that apparently her elemental powers all this time had been leaving trails everywhere she went. No wonder the archons, adepti, Xiao, and Miko always found her so easily. To them she might as well have been standing in a forest setting off smoke signals!! But while walking up here Xiao swiftly told her how to conceal it, which she did swiftly. Shockingly it had been as easy as breathing. Once inside they soon spotted a familiar young scholar.

"Haypasia?"blinked Paimon in surprise, catching her attention.

"Traveler and Lord Roc too? It really is you!"Haypasia greeted in brief shock that turned to delight.

"Hello."greeted Xiao. "Good to see you well."

"Long time no see, Haypasia."smiled Lumine in greeting.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you three again! I trust everything is going smoothly?"smiled Haypasia in delight.

"Well enough."assured Lumine.

"Who's this, Lumine and Xiao?"wondered Nahida.

"Oh this is Haypasia. A scholar we met in my tribe's old territory in Avidya Forest. However, somebody decided to rush in while she was burning incense."huffed Xiao before glaring bitterly at Paimon.

"What!? Paimon said sorry for that ok!"Paimon protested. The remark earned sweat drops and face palms from the girls and Xiao. Tiny little Hermes turning dendro green and annoyingly hopping on the celestial fairy's head. It was very clear it was again reacting to it's master's mood. So did that mean green was an annoyance? Probably. "Anyways she was training in what was it called...?"

"Satyavada Life."hummed Xiao.

"Yeah that."

"Oh, I see then. Nice to meet you." Nahida looked over at Haypasia in concern and curiosity as she had heard of it before when she had taken over a squirrel's body. Taking over the minds of animals or puppets didn't bother her at all. It was mortal races she didn't like the idea of controlling.

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