Temple of Pervases

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[A/N: With Xiao busy again the girls decide to go visit the run down shrine of Pervases, recalling its his birthday. There, to Lumine's delight, Xiao is also there but they don't expect to run into a familiar former con artist....]


Some days were better than others for Lumine, this Xiao and Paimon both had noticed since they had discovered Lumine was in her early stage of pregnancy. But thanks to the medication and help from Xiao, she was finally starting to feel a lot better. For now her pregnancy was being kept secret as she didn't want a repeat of the chaos from the wedding. Only ones that she knew had been told were the adepti, Shenhe, Ningguang, Katheryne and of course Baizhu. Xiao had again become increasingly busy, something about preparing for their trip to Sumeru and another increase of evil spirits? She couldn't recall at the second. At the moment she was just finishing seeing Baizhu for her first exam.

"Well here you are Lumine, your refill on your supplements."came the soft monotone voice of little Qiqi as she put the small envelope full of the medicine on the counter. Lumine offered a smile as she took it in hand before making it vanish in a ripple of stardust.

"Thanks Qiqi."Lumine thanked before offering a wave in goodbye.

"Later Qiqi~!"called Paimon before noticing Lumine start to leave. "Hey, wait for Paimon!"

Lumine happily hummed a tune as they went through the upper downtown area. There was the usual hustle and bustle as she passed the town hall and the commerce guild. She could see poor Xingqui getting chewed out again for his sloppy handwriting, Yanfei in a hurry as she handled whatever legal matter it was this time, and just soldiers and civilians going about their daily lives. As she continued she almost jumped at hearing Zhongli's sharp rebuke over at the funeral parlor. The girls glanced over before knowing why: Hu Tao got in trouble with the millileth again. But then the smell of fish being grilled over a hot fire caught her attention and was very enticing actually making her stomach rumble.

"Paimon heard that. Paimon's guessing you're hungry?"Paimon giggled.

"Now that I can actually keep food down, yeah, I am actually. I actually could really go for some grilled fish."Lumine admitted but then something seemed to dawn on her. "Hold on, what's the date?"

"May 17th, why?"Paimon wondered.

Lumine instantly began to smile as she hurried over the bridge and made a v-line straight for the grilled fish stall. Ordering quite a few of the fish skewers in fact, though Paimon wasn't sure why as she actually slapped the little fairy's hand for trying to reach the package of grilled fish. "Nah uh uh~! These are for Pervases."she scolded.

"Oh Paimon gets it now, you're going to leave an offering at his shrine."Lumine nodded with a smile taking a bite out of her own snack. So with an eager hop and skip they hurried away out of town straight down the path to Pervases's shrine. To Lumine's sadness the shrine was still in dire straits. But they had not expected to see the lone yaksha standing in front of the crumbling shrine, leaving some glaze lilies at the base of the statue of Pervases.

"Wait, isn't that Xiao? Why is he here?"grumbled Paimon.

"So it is,"Lumine quietly went up the mossy steps and walked over, leaving Paimon to continue her rant and tantrum. The fairy had been like that since finding out last night she wouldn't be allowed access to their mora. Mora that they needed for supplies and to make sure Lumine had whatever she would require. Carefully she took the small package of the grilled fish and set it down, on a plate before the statue, alerting Xiao.

"Lumine, what are you doing here? I thought you had to see Baizhu today."he inquired as she slowly stood up to offer a smile.

"I came to see Pervases....I'm assuming you came to see him too?"she asked, offering a smile. A pleased feeling his gentle hand moved her hair behind her ear before stroking her cheek. "He was your closest friend, wasn't he?"

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