This Is Not Your Fate

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[A/N: Things turn disastrous and everything looks bleak until Xiao makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Lumine and the others. But this young yaksha's in for a surprise for Fate has other plans. Enjoy MHA OST I picked out for Xiao by the way, I think its brilliantly fitting here, don't you?]


Upon their return Shinobu was fast to heal Lumine's own injuries while Lumine handled Xiao's own. They had agreed upon taking a moment to rest and gather themselves now that they had figured out the Fantastic Compass would be able to get them out of this nightmarish place. Shinobu advises Lumine as soon as possible to speak with Dr.Baizhu once they escape. "There was one thing for sure I wanted nothing to do with this damn area of the Chasm for a long time."she thought. She felt purely exhausted and from the looks of Xiao, his injuries both physically and emotionally were taking its toll on him. She needed to get out, Xiao needed to get out — they all needed to get out.

The sooner the better.

"Lord Xiao, Traveler, we're all ready when you are."Yelan called.

"Hmph..."Xiao looked over and indeed the compass was set up. Slowly he stumbled to his feet to walk over to the compass along with Lumine and Paimon. Shinobu supporting Itto along with Ushi coming over with Yanfei too. 

"Oh...Paimon's nervous, Lumine."whimpered the celestial fairy. 

"It's going to work, have faith."Lumine assured. No sooner had she said this did Xiao notice an extremely faint glow from Lumine's eyes. This time Yelan had spotted it Xiao noticed...was the Liyue Civil Affairs agent figuring out his mate was no human? No matter right now. That was not the priority here. Getting everyone to safety was the most important thing right now. "But will I have enough strength to do this?"he thought as he examined the device. No it was not a matter if he did, even in his condition...It was a matter HAD TO now!!

"Xiao, Yelan how are we looking?"asked Yanfei.

"I'm all set. What about you, Lord Xiao?"asked Yelan.

"I'm ready."assured Xiao.

"Oh, but Yanfei there's one thing you better mentally prepare yourself for."Yelan suddenly pointed out glancing at her friend. Yanfei raising her brows in confusion. "I'm afraid you'll not be able to take this Fantastic Compass out of here. From what I can tell its the result the disordered spacetime of this place and memories. We all came her for different purposes, and everything happening now has been a result of our own imaginations and conjecture. It's frightening but also a miracle in of itself. This space is's more then that. Whether or not there's some higher power at work here, I'm not sure. But it's more then just a simple space, it's almost sentient with how it's read our minds and responds to us in the form of illusions. One last thing it's said the Chasm existed for a very long time...What could have created it, I wonder?"

Yelan's words seem to stir some kind of memory in Lumine for she became odd. But Yelan went on to confirm she had been there at the ruins when they had been with Dainslief. Something about investigating the strange happenings of the area at the time. But also that it had been her that crashed the skynail, due to an old ruin serpent having surfaced that she had demolished by shooting the nail down onto it. Which meant this situation though unintentional, had resulted due to Yelan's previous efforts born from good intentions.

"Again, I really am sorry..."sighed Yelan.

"Don't be, Yelan how would you know this could happen? You're not psychic nor can you see the future."assured Lumine with a bright smile. 

"...If you say so."Yelan didn't seem so convinced.

After a bit more explaining from Yelan not only about this freaky place, Yelan pointed out the compass would vanish. Yanfei agreeing with this fact that had been put before them. Xiao being equally amazed and maybe even slightly amused. But one thing was for certain: None of this would be possible if they weren't working together now.

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