Healing Adeptus Incense

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[A/N: After both have come to terms with the discovery and making amends, they returned home. However, Lumine's morning sickness isn't going away and it proves to be severe.  This chapter Lumine's just entering her 7th week. I'll be notifying you guys here and there what week she's in and what trimester as we progress. Hope you enjoy this chill chapter, but poor Lumine that morning sickness is hitting her hard...wonder why?]


The soft light trickled in through the slightly cracked open window letting soft streams of summer sunlight into the room on the top floor of the inn. Stray leaves from the old gingko tree are swept away by the morning breeze. A young blonde curled up under the sheets almost into a tight ball. A pitiful drawn out moan escaping her as she stirred into the wake world. "Why won't it stop? Make it stop!"she thought in annoyance and frustration. The only confirmation she had was the gentle warmth, the tickle of smooth and soft feathers from the massive and beautiful vermillion gold wing gently bringing her closer into waiting arms.

"She really doesn't look so good today either...Paimon's getting worried. Is this normal?"Paimon wondered. Only to earn a glare from the protective yaksha that had gently coaxed his ailing wife into his arms. "Don't look at Paimon like that, Paimon's just asking."

"I'm no healer. But going by the instructions given Lumine's going to have days she'll be unwell and it will vary for two more months at least."he stated softly. His gaze turned serious with a deadpan look at the fairy. "You keep those strong flavors away from her, understand?"

"Paimon gets it, nothing strong smelling...boo...and Paimon wanted golden crab..."sighed Paimon in defeat. So much for all she could eat at the buffet this week, not with her friend feeling ill and miserable.

Lumine's eyes shot open, feeling the pain of her stomach voice its complaints. Like who gave her stomach a right to have a bunch of anemo slimes bouncing about!? If she could, she would be suing it and calling Yanfei. Seeing she was on the verge of getting sick, panic came across even Xiao's face as he hastily grabbed the nearest bucket and handed it to her. Lumine takes it without hesitation as she vomits into it. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight as she felt Xiao rubbing her back.

"Paimon will go get that ginger tea, be right back."Paimon swiftly informed as she flew out the door in a hurry.

By the time she finally stopped, the poor blonde was trembling as she brought her hand up to wipe her mouth. Her throat and even her nose felt like it had been scorched raw as she laid back down with a mix between a whine and a groan. "I hate this, it's not fair."she sniffled, voice hoarse from being so sore. Xiao instantly tensed seeing her on the verge of tears; there was that twister of emotions going haywire for no reason again.

"Lumi, easy now, it's alright. Don't cry. It'll go away and you'll feel better soon."soothed Xiao somehow getting her to calm down. Her emotions made it feel like he was treading on super thin ice and he could sense it all like they were his own. But even though he had Baizhu come multiple times it would take a few days for the adjusted medicine to take a effect. So all they could do was support her.

"B-But when? I'm tired of feeling like crap."came her soft hiccup.

Xiao hated seeing her suffer like this, especially since today it was really bad. "But what can I do? I'm not like Guizhong or Menogias..."he thought in growing distress. His gaze then turned to the music box he had gotten her back in winter. He recalled just opening it would not only make it easier for her to sleep but keep nightmares at bay. But then he remembered something but would it work for her like it had Yanfei's mother apparently? Only one way to find out.

Lumine looked over as she watched Xiao go to a basket in the corner or was it some kind of chest? She couldn't quite make it out as Xiao dug through it. "Xiao...What are you doing?"she asked, only earning a quick glance over his shoulder. What he pulled out made her eyes grow wide for it was in fact the incense burner that had been gifted to them by Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver.

Ancient but beautiful in design with smooth jade forming much of the container, rimmed with what looked like brass. A lone dragon curled around it as if protecting a precious pile of mora or jewels. Lumine watched as he grabbed not one but four different vials of some kind of oil. Muttering some kind of chant or prayer as he filled and then lit it but the last words he muttered were ones she knew far too well, "...Lumen de Lumine." That one phrase sending a shiver up her spine, her eyes giving a soft glow for a second. A soft, ethereal mist began to flow from the holes in the lid of the incense burner as Xiao set it down on a table in the center of the room. Almost instantly the soft, gentle scent of lavender, chamomile, mint, and ginger began to fill the room.

"This should help."Xiao started walking back over back to her side. What had now become pure habit, Lumine scooted over until she was close enough. A gentle motion from his hand coaxing and encouraging her to lie her head down on his lap. much like what Lumine would always do for him. Already Lumine could feel some relief from her rebellious stomach as she let out a sigh, a pleased hum reaching her ears as she relaxed before his eyes. "Good it's working."he thought with relief, pulling the soft blanket over her body.

"Paimon brought the tea~!"Paimon called as she returned with a tray in hand.

"You can just set it aside for now."Lumine informed with a yawn. "I'm tired."

"Paimon swears you've become as sleepy as Sayu these days, so weird."sighed Paimon, setting the tea aside. "Also why does it smell like flowers in here now?"

"Xiao lit some incense...Now just let me go sleep, Paimon I'll eat later..."mumbled Lumine as she began to doze off, eased into slumber by Xiao's hand rubbing her back. Her breathing slowed and soon her expression softened; Lumine was fast asleep.

"Out like a light. She fell asleep almost as fast as Sayu does!"sighed Paimon with a shrug. "Paimon went to all that trouble to bring up that tea too..."

"Quit your complaining, not one word out of you! Especially since we leave for Sumeru soon. Right now, whatever Lumine wants she gets, understand? If she wants to rest then let her."he whispered with a sharp look in his eyes. His wing actually moved to cover most of Lumine's slumbering form protectively. It clearly made Paimon slightly nervous as she had never seen Xiao this protective, not even if Lumine was hurt or in danger. Actually it seemed more assertive than usual.

"Understood, Paimon gets it."Paimon then in a moment of a delayed realization gawked at Xiao. "Wait, WHAT!? You guys still plan to go to Sumeru even in her condition!?"

A soft whimper and slight stir from Lumine made Xiao glare the look in his eyes a warning. Resulting in a startled squeak as Paimon hid behind one of the plants. "This is a choice Lumine and I discussed — while you were busy stuffing your face — One we both came to an agreement on. Lumine desires to meet this Kusanali, as do I. And I will not explain mine or her motives to do so."

"Ok! Ok! OK!!! Geez, you've become just as snappy as Lumine and even more clingy it's weirding Paimon out."squeaked Paimon waving her hands in surrender from her hiding spot. "And Paimon knows, 'Get used to it' and stuff."


Xiao just scoffed, as he permitted his wings to vanish in golden particles of light so he he could lay back against the bed's headboard. He had no reason to explain the full details to somebody he did not trust like Paimon. There was another reason they had both agreed to proceed and start preparing for the trip to Sumeru. Lumine wanted to see for herself the land Xiao had been born into and for the child to enter this world there as well. "The first yaksha born in over two thousand years when it used to be every couple hundred years."he thought glancing outside as a summer breeze managed to slither in through the slightly open window. A fond but also melancholy smile. He would be what his parents denied him but many things flooded his mind, a memory of a seed that became a mighty tree right before his eyes. But also...Bosacius was somewhere out there within the Chasm's darkness. However, when they meet again would Bosacius be sane or had he too fallen to karmic debt and...would he be forced to put him down? Or had he perished by now and was no more then a memory? Was he to suffer yet another cruel twist as more blood stained his hands!?

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Lumine's going to start feeling mostly like her old self again next chapter. Now that they know what's wrong Lumine's gotten the help and medicine she'll need and the special diet changes they have now too. she'll be back on her feet but, she wont' be permitted to fight unless she has no other option. And now they are truly starting to get ready to go to Sumeru, but we're not done this arc yet~! *stares in chasm* Oi Bosa wakey wakey wakey!]

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