The Desert Tiger

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[A/N: Xiao returns as promised after stopping Dehya from attacking Lumine; Dunyarzad tells about her encounter with Kusanali before introducing the trio to a friend. Enjoy the song I put for Ermite "Boss girl", Dehya~! I personally think the song fits our "Sumeru Beidou" beautifully, don't you? hehehehe~!]



"Dehya stand down!!"

When and how did her beloved brave arrive here so fast? Lumine had been poised to defend herself at sensing they weren't alone just seconds ago. Her hand is in position to summon her sword of jade. Paimon meanwhile was staring like a gaping fish not far away at having witnessed Xiao appear, attacked this Ermite woman, and now had her pinned to the ground halfway across the room. "Alatus, stop please!" At hearing Lumine's Xiao tensed and stopped before letting his polearm vanish as he dashed over in a streak of anemo energy. Frantic worry smoldered in eyes and screamed at the back of her mind.

"She didn't hurt you?"fussed Xiao as he looked her over. Sighing in relief that Lumine was fine though she did look exhausted and a little pale. The girl that had attacked her was eying them like a tiger on the prowl. Her tanned skin and very Ermite style of clothing gave little question she was desert folk. Her long waist length black hair with hues of dark sandy blonde was like a lion's wild mane almost. A Sumerian Vision of pyro at her belt as she heaved herself up to her feet. Coming over towards Dunyarzad with haste while Xiao swiftly held her close. Lumine soon noticed the wounds on Xiao's arm, making her squeak frantically in panic, "Xiao your arm..."

"It's nothing, just a scratch."he tried to dismiss only for Lumine to lead him to the closest chair and forced him to sit down much to his protest as he got an earful from Paimon as Lumine bandaged up his upper arm. "If you're worried that human over there gave me it then don't, it's from earlier today."

"Whatever am I going to do with you? You practically made my heart jump into my throat just now."sighed Lumine before offering a small smile kissing his cheek.

"M'Lady, who are these three? And how in the archons did a roc get into the city?"demanded the Ermite woman sharply, hands to her hips after dusting herself off.

"Lumine and Paimon are travelers I met on the streets just moments ago, but I'm not familiar with that man there that attacked you. Lumine happened to notice they were all looking for me, so she and Paimon helped me hide."informed Dunyarzad. She truly felt curious about the strange but beautiful young man that had rushed in out of nowhere to protect Lumine just now.

"Oh right, we never mentioned that, did we?"chuckled Paimon in embarrassment. "That's Xiao, he's Lumine's husband and partner. He was busy so he wasn't with us searching."

"Oh you're married, Lumine? But you look so young."stated their new friend in surprise.

Lumine, though chuckled as she slowly got to her feet and allowed her long flowing sleeve to fall to her elbow as she removed her gauntlet with a few quick movements to then reveal the golden adeptus marriage band around her wrist. "I don't look it, do I? I'm petite for my age but I actually just turned twenty back in June."she hummed as the ermite's eyes grew wide while Dunyarzad looked elated as Lumine fastened the gauntlet back to her wrist.

"I see now. Well then, you three should scram, you're not needed here."shooed the ermite coldly.

"Rude."pouted Lumine, actually puffing out her cheeks with hands to her hips.

"Wait a second, just who are you? Going off and trying to attack us like that then just trying to shoo us away?"protested Paimon.

"Start talking, Daughter of the Desert. My patience is thin after that stunt I saw you pull on my mate."hissed Xiao. He had literally just stopped into the city to check in on Lumine and make sure she was doing alright and if any progress had been made on the search. He had found Lumine easily thanks to their soul bond but spotting Dehya poised to attack had made him act first, ask questions later. It had not escaped his notice that this ermite knew what he was when they had locked eye contact. "So the desert's children still tell tales of us."he thought as he got between the ermite and Lumine again. His first impression was she was a formidable allogene warrior, befitting her element of pyro. But she had made a mistake: Attacked his pregnant mate. His instincts were wailing and yowling in overdrive even now.

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