The Winds of Time Cometh Callin'

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A/N: Special chapter here as Xiaolumi and co. celebrate the holiday season with their Sumeru friends, but they aren't the focus this time. Barbatos at his mother's urging pays a visit to the Archons, carrying a warning they must prepare lest their people succumb to the Void's despair. Enjoy the song from Kairos delivered by Venti.

Countdown To Twins' Birth: Lumine is in week 37(Dec 21 - Dec 27), she's almost there hang tight guys!!! Just 2 more weeks to go.

Kairos's Ballad Sung By Venti: "The Morrigan" by Heather Dale. 

Fact: The Morrigan were the Irish/Celtic/Norse god(s) of Fate, death, and war. Their symbol was a crow and they were like the Greek/Roman 3 Fates but more badass personally in my own personal point of view.


Everywhere you looked across Teyvet the festive spirit and cheer was in the air. Snow like the softest falling petals of spring blossoms falling from the sky painted a gentle grey. Snezhnaya celebrated bonfires blazing with trees and homes decorated as they anticipated the yearly ice carving contests, figure skating and opera shows, and more. Fontaine was just as much filled with cheer but it felt a bit more nervous and unsure due to the nation's growing unease yet they still found ways to smile and laugh as twinkling lights and garland graced the streets. Natlan was as always partying hard, celebrating the recent success and victories of life as they welcomed the rainy season with open arms.

Liyue and Inazuma celebrated in their own ways as snow covered the ground. Bringing with it the promise of their yearly winter festivals. The laughter of children as they played in the snow and the smiling faces of the two nations' people bringing smiles to the watchful eyes of their archons. Zhongli was just enjoying a hot, warm meal with some tea as he watched the market busy with cheer. Ei watched from her favorite view from her balcony of her suite as fireworks shot into the sky that December 24th. While over in Sumeru, the nation was celebrating hard for their own rainy season festival, especially Xiao and Lumine as they spent the holiday feast with their friends around Nahida's table. But then there was Monstandt, so full of spirit and cheer as from on top of his favorite spot in the hands of, well himself he watched the city celebrating Christmas Festival. The sweet smell of ripe and warmed spiced cider and coco filled the cold breeze.

"Now this is what I love seeing, people just enjoying life and their freedom to the fullest. Being with their loved ones."sighed Venti feeling content. Venti looked up to the horizon as one particular pair surfaced in his mind. "Hmm....I wonder how you're doing, little sister?"he wondered with a smile. Two more weeks, was it? She should be delivering the little wolves soon. Seemed like just yesterday he had encountered her in the woods with Dvalin. And it also didn't feel that long ago either she had been such a beautiful Liyue bride. How time flew by without a thought or a care. No sooner did he think that he grew tense time slowing to a crawl only around him. Silence hung as he listened to the mischievous laughter and melody ring in his mind.

"M-Mother!? Still locked up, are we like a bird in a cage?"he teased only to get a gust full of wind making him yelp as he grabbed his poor hat. "Ok, ok, ok!'re in a foul mood."he sighed, dusting off his hat and putting it back on. Listening intently to the whispers from Kairos on the wind. "You want me to...WHAT!?"he shouted in protest. Did his mother seriously want him to deliver her warning that in two weeks a disaster brought about by the birth of not one but two of the Laws of Teyvet made flesh was to happen!? 

Oh he was not enjoying this. However he soon found himself surrounded by the wind as he was forced out of human form into the little wind sprite he actually was. Making him squeak in distress and panic at the earlashing scolding and threat Kairos was giving. "Ok I'll go, mother! J-Just don't erase all the wine from history, anything but the wine!!"he pleaded with tears in his eyes like a child that had been caught and punished by their mother. Venti knew Kairos could do it and uphold that threat too, to make it so that humanity never invented anything related to alcohol via erasing it from the timestream. Seemingly pleased by the answer he was changed back to his human shape which was a frustrated mess as time flowed normally again.

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