The Single Truth

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A/N: With Lumine safe within Dahri, Xiao meets back up with Cyno with Paimon. Meanwhile Lumine's connection to the mother irmunsul tree, Yggradasil continues to  strengthen, causing an odd effect to happen. Enjoy the song for Team Nahida vs Akademiya~!


The trickling light of dawn had not yet dappled through the tree canopy into the tent. By the fire pit the greenette forest ranger trainee was sleeping clutching the baron bunny plushie. A ripple of dark mist appeared as Xiao appeared, setting aside a couple days worth of spinocrocodile meat, veggies, and sunsettias. The girls would be fine for a couple of days and would be safe here within the barrier. A small smile of amusement as he went over to Collei and carefully put a blanket over her from her tent she had brought. He then went over to his and Lumine's tent.

Quietly and carefully he entered, noticing Paimon had just woken up. Motioning for the celestial fairy to keep quiet and meet him outside the barrier. Giving a nod to show she understood, Paimon gave one last stretch as she caught the apple Xiao had tossed her and hurried out of camp. Paimon figured Xiao wanted to let Lumine know he was leaving, something he only did if he was going to be gone for more than a few hours. It was also a habit Xiao had developed after the events with the Chasm as he didn't want to worry her needlessly. So she would be a good friend and leave her two married friends to have a moment of privacy. Besides, she had this plump apple to enjoy for breakfast.

Xiao then went over to the bed that he had with such care to make it as comfortable as possible. The blonde curled up on her side clutching the plush toy fox Gorou had gifted her. Lightly snoring away under the warm sheets and furs. Carefully leaning over her as he sat down with care at the edge of the bed. He didn't want to wake her after how exhausted she had been again suddenly. But Collei assured that rest was the best thing for Lumine. "Yet I feel it's something more. She shattered the dendro shackle, and Lady Kairos said it would trigger something vital to Lumi, but what?, now's not the time to think about these matters."he thought but was brought out of his musings from a soft sleepy grumble.

Slowly Lumine opened bleary honey amber eyes to look up to see Xiao's soft tender smile. Letting a pleased hum escape as he bent down and kissed her in greeting. "...Alatus, you're heading out?"she mumbled groggily.

"Yes. We will free Nahida and then I'll bring you to her once the dust has settled."he whispered, stroking her hair before pulling the quilt over her shoulders. He was about to get to his feet when he felt Lumine's hand grab his from under the sheets."Lumi?"

There was a determination in her eyes as Xiao carefully took her hand and twined their fingers together. Lumine's sleepy voice gained a bit more strength to it as she squeezed his hand gently. "Bring her home, Xiao. Nobody understands her better than you do, being a bird in a cage."

Xiao gained a burning quiet fire of determination that strengthened his resolve. Placing a gentle kiss to her hand he locked her gaze in his own hawk-like one. "Upon our soul bond, Lumen, I'll bring her back. It's time I repay my debt to the Goddess of Wisdom like I have the god of Contracts." His words and promise were all Lumine needed as she smiled and called Hermes. The little seelie let out a tired squeak before spinning to see what his mistress wanted. A silent order rang in his head and like the good seelie he went over to birdie's master. The order was simple: Follow and do what Xiao said.

"Hermes, why are you coming to me?"Xiao wondered, the seelie letting a firm chirp.

"Because I can talk to you through Hermes and hear everything too. I can hear you through Hermes also...just call me a lizard on the wall~!"came Lumine's thoughts being projected through Hermes like a weird dodoco phone. Hermes giving off a glow like the dendro seelies. Xiao was startled at this revelation as Lumine gave him a mischievous grin.

Xiaolumi S4: Edge of DawnWhere stories live. Discover now