Invitation To Sandy Shores

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[A/N: Fantasia Arc continues as we start the GAA part~! Xiaolumi wake up in Monstandt only to run into an old friend of Lumine's and one odd member of the Adventurers' Guild lumine has yet to meet. But also run into some familiar friends. Lumine is now 11 weeks, she'll start her second trimester at 14 weeks so they better hurry and find Kusanali yes? Don't worry they leave immediately after this arc. The dress above in this chapter are what Xiaolumi will be wearing mostly for GAA. Oh enjoy the seaside ambience for this chapter~!]


***Minor Warning***
Contains some suggestive scene(s) of nudity and Fischl's "Cosplay Weeb Mode" talk!! lol


The quiet morning breeze that July dawn as anemo crystalflies lazily fluttered through the Dawn Winery's vineyards, one such crystalfly flew by the guest room window of the manor. The lone yaksha meanwhile was watching the world go by from up on the rooftop. Just content to enjoy the soft caress of the cool breeze. Inside, a certain blonde was very frustrated as she tried to get her dress's corset tied up in the back.

"Ugh! I can't seem to get the damn thing to close so I can tie it."grumbled Lumine.

"Well you are starting to show a tiny bit now, Lumine. Didn't Dainslief send you that gift? and you did a lot of shopping back in Liyue."pointed out Paimon as she floated over to try and help. Sure enough The bump had grown a little bit, still easy to miss but enough it was giving Lumine trouble with her dress. As much as it saddened her Paimon had a point, besides she could still wear her beloved scarf and gauntlets and boots. So with quick motions she let her dress slide away after vanishing behind the folding screen to change. "Paimon mind passing me that dress?"she called.

"The pink one or the one with the see through sleeves?"asked the fairy as she went through the dresser.

"The blue one please~!"Lumine called.

Paimon had moved to grab it when Xiao had teleported back into the room in a dark mist. Surprised his beloved's favorite dress had been tossed over the screen. A questioning look at the fairy. Paimon floated over to whisper, "Her dress isn't fitting anymore." Realization dawning on his face. "She is eleven weeks, this was bound to happen."he thought. His gaze turned to simple but loose fitting breezy summer dresses. Motioning for silence from the fairy as he carefully grabbed the pale blue white dress with the transparent silk sleeves. The design easily could be mistaken for Monstandter or Fontainian in design except for small details in the choker and sleeves.

"Paimon, can you hurry? We're supposed to head to the city today!"protested Lumine impatiently.

Paimon giggled with a grin of mischief as she handed Xiao Lumine's scarf as he took the dress and handed it to Lumine. The blonde slightly startled before seeing it was Xiao, though she felt a bit self conscious. "Eep! X-Xiao? When did you come back inside?"she squeaked, taking the dress and clutching it over herself.

"Just now. I don't see why you're being bashful, you're still beautiful."he hummed with a small smile. "Do you need some help?" His offering and loving words somehow boosted her confidence as she shook her head and offered a bright smile. "Then I'll be just outside."

"Oh um Xiao?"


"Dain sent you a gift too."called Lumine as she put on and fastened the dress, tying the blue ribbons into neat small bows. Xiao grew curious and saw the light summer coat with short sleeves. It was white with a loose fitting hoodie and on the back a simple vermillion bird clutching a four point star while the bottom rim of the coat had those violet and lavender cloud-like patterns. The fabric was smooth and soft to the touch with the familiar ornaments from his rosary beads made into a simple clasp. So he didn't hesitate deciding to try it and...Xiao found he actually liked it as he pulled the hood over his head. Lumine stepped out with a bright smile. "You look good."she hummed, twining her fingers into his hand, earning a welcoming squeeze."

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