Zhongli's Old Friend

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[A/N: Xiaolumi finally reach the port town of Ormos. There they meet a calm and collected man named Alhaitham, agreeing to an alliance after a run in with extremist followers of a fallen deity. Hope you enjoy the song for my boy, Alhaitham here I think it fits him well from what I have experienced, even though it is an MLP song.]

Extra Note: I'm sure you all saw the 3.1 news stream. Because of this Xiao's getting a very special familiar/avatar that Kairos some how commissioned Cloud Retainer to help with. I'll let you guys suggest names(it'll be female). Names must be Norse, Greek, or Asian(Chinese or Japanese preferred). Xiaolumi will also NOT be taking part in the Wine Festival for obvious reasons.


That dawn they had gotten up bright and early to meet up with Dehya and the Ermite elder. Revealing that a divine knowledge capsule had gotten stolen and went missing. Offering advice and warnings about the group of Ermites there that were very much extremists, crying "The Scarlet King shall return '' and all that mumbo jumbo. Bidding Dehya and Dunyarzad goodbye for the time being, the trio leave the city heading south for the port town of Ormos. Xiao opted to take a boat down the river to make the trip easier on Lumine. Though poor Paimon almost became spinocrocodile food along the way and had to be fished out by the couple as poor Hermes had been scared silly. As they did Lumine noticed the sun had indeed become far more intense just like the moon last night.

The hours of the day had increased to a full twenty four hours like in her old world. But by this week the sun had stopped growing brighter and warmer than it was now. The moon days prior had caused the panic and flooding after it was reduced to dust, only to be replaced by a brand new one. "Almost like the sun and moon had been devoured or stolen away..."she thought as Xiao helped her ashore. Her mind then wandered to the old story her mother used to tell of the wolves that devoured the sun and moon. But as she entered the bustling port town her eyes turned wide in delight. The beautiful pristine azure water, the smell of salt in the air, the eager racket of the street merchants and people coming in from all over Teyvet. It was no means Liyue Harbor but already Xiao could see Lumine begin to relax.

"Huh, the port got bigger."hummed Xiao in amusement.

"Bigger!?"echoed the girls as Xiao nodded.

"Yes, it was much smaller when I was a yearling."confirmed Xiao.

"This is crazy, talk about hurley burley, guys! This place is busy!"gawked Paimon.

"This is the largest port in Sumeru, Paimon. I think it's to be expected it'd be busy as it is."Lumine hummed. Stealing a glance she could overhear the not so subtle gossip of an information broker not far off. "Seems Dehya was right, there's discord within the Ermite factions. But how much of it is true?"she thought with a serious frown. Beside her Xiao was keeping on alert as he thought of what Dehya advised him to do: not have his wings out in Port Ormos. So with particles of golden light he permitted his wings to vanish, making Xiao look like just any Sumerian nomad or sage. He had a few inklings why she advised this, one of them being to not draw attention to themselves. His wings weren't exactly subtle with how large and colorful they were.

"Something bothering you, pipsqueak?"he wondered as he looked over at Paimon.

"First, quit calling Paimon that! Second, yes but maybe it's because of what Dehya said, but Paimon can't shake the feeling that there is also danger lurking in these crowds."Paimon pointed out.

"Oh that's all? Took you long enough to notice."Xiao dismissed.

"I'm definitely more comfortable here but even i'm not lowering my guard here."chuckled Lumine as they continued on their merry way.

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