The Maple & The Bird

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[A/N: Kazuha's story quest; Lumine got her solo chapters, only right Xiao does too. After being shoo'd away by Lumine, Ei, and Miko out of the teapot while it gets remodeled, Xiao makes his way towards the city to get the package but a string of events lead to a reunion between him and Kazuha. Now this quest was shall we say, interesting and in my story Kazu and Xiao already share a good relationship as Kazuha's one of the few he's grown to trust. Actually, Xiao's going to become even closer with Kazuha, very close buddies~! I hope you enjoy the song for the boys.]


"Well that was unexpected, why would they boot Paimon out of the teapot too?"

It was a bit bizarre, even Xiao was left bewildered by the action as they found themselves wandering through the worn down and well used dusty path towards Inazuma City. Gloomy clouds hung overhead, promising rain. But what sort of package was Miko making them fetch? He was not sure that July morning. All he knew was that it had been meant for him and Lumine.

"It's sure has been a while since we've been to Inazuma."noted Paimon. "All three of us have been through a lot huh? Not to mention you and Lumine getting married and soon two babies arriving."

"Hn...We have been through a lot."Xiao sighed, crossing his arms in thought. Taking a deep breath as he reflected on the last year and a half. As the floating annoyance had said so much had happened. Stuff had you asked him if he would fall in love and have a mate willing to carry his offspring, he would have scoffed and called them foolish. "Look at me now, six more months and I'll be a father to the first twin adepti in history."he thought with an amused grin. He couldn't help but imagine at least one of the little ones with their mother's star shattering smile and sun kissed blonde hair. No doubt Indarias would have gushed over the sight, being often caring for the tribe's little ones. Thinking of his late tribe made his heart feel melancholy, to be honest.

"Many memorable events have transpired. Now, hurry up, I'm not waiting for you while getting this task done."Xiao called, continuing on his way. However, he froze when he sensed something.

"Xiao what's up?"wondered Paimon.

"Eeep!!"yelped Paimon as she felt Xiao grab her by the scarf to yank her back. The young yaksha had sensed malice and corruption, making his pupils narrow into sharp slits. Not saying a word he easily jumped out of the way of the sudden attacker covered in the ominous corrupted energies he grew to know around Inazuma. Paimon's shrieking as he easily dodged every blow as swift and graceful as a hawk in flight.

"Put Paimon down!"Paimon's tune swiftly changed as Xiao yanked her away from the sinister blade's slash. "Eeeeeeekkkk!!! D-Don't put Paimon down! Paimon changes her mind!"

"Hmph. Thought so."Xiao huffed, feeling a tad winded. His mask had recovered but his stamina wasn't quite there yet. It wouldn't be for a few more days at least. Two weeks in bed weak as a baby bird and a fever that could kill a human would do that. He raised his hand as brought out his spear of brilliant jade. Doing so the attacker froze.

"Huh? You have an Anemo Vision but you're clearly not human nor do you wield a sword."the stranger huffed. Xiao's eyes honed in on the ominous glowing sword. It was practically ripe with corruption and to his sensitive nose it reeked of bloodshed. "Seems I mistaken you for someone else."

"Begone from my sight, I have no business with a yokai right now."hissed Xiao.

"Yeah, shoo go away! At the very least you should make sure you got the right person or better yet don't go attacking people out of the blue! It's super dangerous!!"snapped Paimon.

"Have you ever met someone called Kaedehara Kazuha? He fights with a sword and carries an anemo Vision just like you do, Lord Yokai."the stranger questioned.

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