Lumen de Alatus

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[A/N: Xiaolumi arrives at Qiaoying Village not far away so Lumine can rest, unsure what is wrong with her, Lumine awakes not long after. Baizhu arrives thanks to help from Yaoyao. It's tradition at this point so here's this arc's opening song for your enjoyment, "Lapis Lazuli". The title, random fact is Latin, it means "Light from the Wings".]


What was that horrible racket right now!? It sounded muffled and under water almost as she slowly came around. "Hey she's waking up!"she heard a high pitched female voice. She could feel a gentle hand stroke across her head. She could feel wave after wave of anxiety, fear, and worry. "Xiao's worried again..."she groggily thought, beginning to stir before letting out a groan of frustration. She could feel a soft bed, a bit harder than what she was used to under her back. "Crap...That's right I fainted back at the Chasm..."she thought in dismay. She must have seriously frightened her worried friend and husband terribly. Her stomach churned in discomfort on top of her pounding skull and feeling positively freezing.

"My, my~! A good morning to you Lumine, my dear."greeted Baizhu as Lumine looked around in a daze of confusion. The greenette was holding her by the wrist, his eyes on his pocket watch as he counted the rate of her heart beating. By his serious frown Lumine didn't need to be told something was wrong with her.

"Stay still, Lumine."Xiao's voice and gentle but firm hand forced her to not sit up. Her currently dull honey amber eyes glancing over.

"Where am I...ooowwww...."she whimpered. "My head...feels like Azadah sat on me..." Paimon had to restrain herself from laughing at how her friend described her headache. Baizhu to her surprise had a vial of blood he was carefully shaking in his hand as he went to his makeshift work station nearby he had set up.

"Qiaoying Village. It's a village well known for cultivating tea plants and drying tea leaves."Xiao explained after a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. The entire time waiting for Yaoyao to return with Baizhu Xiao had suffered at least two anxiety attacks. Something Lumine could tell with how exhausted he looked and mild karmic burns that had been treated on his arms. Had Paimon or Baizhu been forced to try and calm him? If so, that was no easy feat.

"Xiao brought you here after you fainted out of nowhere,"Paimon informed. "It really scared Paimon..."

"I'm sorry..."Lumine managed to croak. Oh she felt like utter and complete crap right now as she felt her stomach do another flip, making her look a bit green.

"What were her sssymptomsss again, yaksssha?"hissed Changsheng, turning from her favorite spot to face them. Lumine looked like a startled rabbit upon seeing Baizhu had a vial of blood...her blood. Baizhu was examining the blood sample through some odd new invention from Sumeru or Fontaine. According to Baizhu, Paimon and Xiao recalled it permitted him to see things that normally couldn't be seen.

"Fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, she's been feeling cold lately, and she's been rather irritable. Lumine also can't seem to focus like she should."Xiao informed.

"She also couldn't control her use of the elements properly. Paimon found it very weird, as that never happens to her."piped up Paimon making the young yaksha's eyes turn wide in disbelief.

"Wait, seriously!?"he questioned.

"Uh huh. She ended up using a bit too much anemo and WWOOOSSH!! Lumine almost blew everything away."Paimon informed.

"The elemental control ain't related to this small problem; You need not concern yourselves."Baizhu suddenly piped up, still looking through the scope, adjusting it as needed. The trio could only stare in confusion at the doctor's words.

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